{chapter 6}

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Tommy's pov

I was hugging him it was really nice being in his arms but what the fuck happened before and is he ok to stream and i know i shouldnt ask him more about it but i just wanted to know

But to be honest i did like what was happening before the way he was talking and acting it wasn't him but it was at the same time i wanted to do it with him again but i don't know how to ask him or do i even

No what am i saying tubbo should be with him

But how am i going to hide these hickeys from tubbo and bill

"Im going to stream soon ok?" he said

I hugged him tighter so he wouldn't go

"Aw come on tom's i need to go" he said trying to pull away and i blushed from him calling me tom's oh my god i loved it when he called me tom's

He stopped trying to get free "Do you wanna be in the stream?" he said

And i let him go

"Yes!!" i said excitedly

He started up the stream and had it on mute pulling up the starting soon screen

I could hear ranboo humming waiting for the message to go then they unmuted out ranboo started to take off the starting soon screen and about to show their camera

"Oh shit he yelled out putting his hands over his mouth thankfully he did it just in time so they didn't see his face i was out of frame but passed his mask over to ran he turned around so he could put it on

"That was close chat" he said while starting to read chat they were all wondering who this person was that their arm was in frame

I came into frame

"Hello chat!!" i yelled into the camera

"Um ok welp we have a guest today!" he said

"Um what are we going to do" i asked

"We could-" but before he could say anything else he got cut off 

"HELLO PEOPLE" billzo came in bursting through the room

"Bill we are live" ran said

"Oh... hii chat" he said

"Ok soo what should we d-" ranboo said but stopped i looked over to see what he was looking at

It was tubbo

He was just walking into the room and he was in the camera view

The room went to an awkward silence

I was happy seeing tubbo i ran up to hug him hopefully breaking the awkward silence

I wanted ranboo and tubbo to get along but i knew tubbo still liked him and ranboo well i don't know ig he didn't like him even as a friend he always got weird around him

I pulled away

"Hey tubs welcome"

He smiled and saw ranboo looking at him and started to blush it was really obvious to be honest and i knew that bill and aimsey could see that he did and he talked abt ranboo to him

I kinda wanted them to get together to make tubbo happy

But i really liked ran i don't know if i love him i mean he is handsome, kind, and really hot

Wait what the fuck am i saying

I mean i don't regret saying that but i should tubbo likes him before i did and i don't deserve ran tubbo does

"We should do a ylyl" billzo said

"Ooo yes!!"i said excitedly

"Okk chat send in some vids and we will try not to laugh" i said

"Buttt i have a twist" i said smirking into the camera

Everyone looked confused

"We will have water in our mouth and if we laugh and water comes out you lose. Once everyone loses stream's over and the last one with water in their mouth wins"

"Ooo ok!!" bill said

"Wait where's my chair" bill said

"You and tubbo don't get one" i said laughing

"I don't see your's either tommy" he said looking at me with a jokingly tone in his voice

Tubbo and ranboo just kept quiet until the video's started to come in

Time skip 47 mins later / people left ranboo and tubbo

"How did i lose but tubbo didnt " i said fake crying

"He laughs all the time" bill said He said agreeing

"I do not" tubbo said trying to not let the water spill out it sound all funny from the water

Then a vid came up of tubbo saying to chat about how he adored ranboo and the clip wasn't from that long ago

Tubbo spat out the water knowing what clip it was

"TOMMY TURN IT OFF" he said not wanting ranboo to see the rest of it

"Ok ok" i said while turning the clip off before it went any further

"Welp chat ranboo is the winner" i said holding up ranboo's hand and smiling

He gulped the water it was really loud i think he tried to make it loud

I started laughing a bit and he looked up to me

We said bye to chat and ended the stream

Ranboo stood up and walked over to tubbo

He grabbed his collar from his jumper while lifting him up just a bit so he was kinda on his tippy toes

"How dare you come back here after what you did to tommy" he said looking tubbo in the eyes staring at him angrily with their face's really close to each other's

"Ranboo stop he didn't mean to" bill said 

"Mark please stop" i said tearing up a bit but in a soft voice

He put tubbo down a bit more but still holding onto him and looking at him dead in the eyes

Then i saw ran's eyes change from angry to scared and let go of tubbo and putting his hand up to just above his mouth like he was trying to feel something then he ran out of the room really fast

"What the fuck just happened" bill said walking over to tubbo

Tubbo didn't even look scared his face was really red and he was kinda... smiling but not at the same time in almost a knowing/creepy way

1052 words

Sorry this was a shortish chapter and thank you guys so much for 80 views!!!

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