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The next time Harry and Abby ran into one another wasn't too long after the day in the record store.

The pair weren't ready to see one another just yet, the shock on both their faces showing this as they look at one another, after Harry accidentally bumped into her as they passed one another in the hallway of the frat house at a party.

"Sorry, I mean ... I am sorry for bumping into you ... I'm not really sorry for that I'm sorry for ... fuck, I need to stop saying sorry." He looks frustrated with himself as Abby only lays her hand upon his elbow, helping him ground himself.

"I know you didn't mean it ... to bump into me." She says softly, her cup of vodka and cranberry in one hand as she keeps her free hand on his elbow.

"I didn't, I'm such a dickhead for doing it." He admits, her smile making him relax a little as she finally takes her hand off him, her eyes looking at the bathroom door before looking back at him.

"I can't lie and say you weren't, because you nearly ruined something good ... my new top." She says carefully, her eyes never leaving his as they both communicate in only ways they understand.

"I would've been a right dickhead if I did, I wouldn't want to ruin it ... the top, i mean."

"I know." She smiles, their eyes never leaving one another as they fall into silence, only the music downstairs could be heard between them.

"Is it still okay? The top? It's not  ... ruined?" He asks with hope in his eyes, her smile making him weak at the knees as he melts into her presence.

"It's had a few ups and downs ... it was thrifted, but as I said, even if it was in bad condition, I'd still want it." She admits, the lump in her throat forming slightly as she becomes a little nervous for what he's about to say.

"So you're gonna keep it? The top?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think it has potential." She says simply.

Harry doesn't know what to do next, it's too early to kiss her, but does she want that? He wants that, maybe it's the alcohol talking, but he really wants to kiss her right now, show her how he feels, help her understand that it wasn't out of cruelty that he's been so off with her, but something is holding him back from doing that.


"Styles! Beer pong! You and me, team!" Niall slurs out, breaking up their moment as he clings onto Harry for dear life, making the situation unserious now as the pair of them laugh at the Irish man who's looking at them confused.

"Whatcha, laughing at? Who told a joke, I know it wasn't him ... uh ... beer pong?" Niall hiccups ober his words, losing his train of thought easily as he tries to drag Harry with him as he slumps against the wall.

"I think I should take him to lie down." Harry says looking at his friend who's now sat with his back against the wall, half asleep with a beer bottle in his hand that's empty.

"Yeah, I think he's had his fun."

"Who has a water gun?" Niall asks, looking at the pair confused as he tries to keep his eyes open, Harry only laughing at him as he bends down to help him stand up.

"Lets get you to bed, come on." Harry laughs, holding Niall up who's barely able to walk.

"Ooo, take me to dinner first Styles." He teases Harry, laying a sloppy kiss to his cheek that has Harry laughing harder, shaking off his lips as Niall looks at him offended.

"I'll see you later." Abby smiles to Harry, who smiles back at her with a nod.

"Did she just call you a cheese grater? That's fuckin' funny." Niall howls out a laugh, nearly falling down but Harry picks him up with a sigh and a laugh.

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