𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲

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2 months passed, and baby bump began to show its form slowly but surely. Y/N dropped out of school and began to do homeschool thanks to the help of her father and his friends.

He told the issue and they understood completely as they all  began to help during her time and the schooling she needed since she claimed she wanted to be a lawyer instead of a hero. Hizashi had no issue as long as she had a dream or goal she wanted to complete.

The talk with Elios still went on as she told him the issues and what's going on through her pregnancy. He would sometimes visit and he FaceTime her with his parents as they greeted her.

They were upset yes for their son getting a young pregnant but were more curious on what gender the baby might be. The connection was stable and not chaotic like Y/N had imagined to be.

Most parents would be upset and still judge them no matter how kind and respectful they were. So mainly, she was happy about the situation especially with her father and his parents.

4 months now, and the bump is finally showing itself to others. They were happy that Y/N was taking this whole progress well. Although, she thought other wise. She wanted to party again and live out her entire life before settling down. Yet, Elios and her father stopped her everytime from the impulse she wanted to do.

Annoying as it is, she was somewhat glad they were doing it.

Right now Y/N was in her room studying and relearning whatever her Father taught her. That was until she got a call from an old friend she had.

Y/N: Yo, Y/N speaking.

Naomi: Hey girl!!! How you doing?

Y/N: Fine. How are you though and Tamiko?

Naomi: I'm good and so is Tamiko. Where have you been, like your not in school anymore.

Y/N: Yeah, I dropout. I'm not going to school anymore.

Naomi: What!?! What do you mean!??

Tamiko: Well that explains it.

Surprised hearing the other girls voice she asked of the phone was in speaker.

Naomi: Yeah, sorry but Tamiko wanted to know as well. But why did you dropout?

Y/N: It's a bit personal Naomi. Just some things happened and I dropout which Mt Dad aloud.

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