The Consequences & Rewards Of Love's Different Sides

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Narrator's Words: Karen explains everything that happened with the meeting of Aaron's immediate family, & Zac at the hospital to her Mother and the girls.

Ms. Lisa: You know what don't even worry about it baby because me and Chris only have a couple more hours or so on our flight. I got a key, so we can stay at your place for a little bit and help Aaron take care of you until you fully recover. All you need is some good rest and meds in you consistently and you'll be just fine. But also imma talk to that so called mother of his. The bitch got me fucked up putting her hands on my daughter!

Danni: Oh my gosh! Here we go with the drama!!

Andi: Danni! That woman had no business putting her hands on our Sis!

Sabrina: Right! Somebody needs to deal with her ass!!

Danni: I'm not disagreeing there, all I'm saying is everywhere I turn it is drama again. I thought you were finally about to have some peace Karen, got damn.

Karen: Yeah, I thought so too. But I mean hey, on the bright side, I still got Aaron, Pam, & y'all. But Mama I need you to please calm down. The last thing I need right now is you going to confront his crazy ass mother. Aaron's gone no contact with her right now. And I am gonna stand beside him on that. I am gonna have to eventually try finding a way to see if all this can get fixed though.

Danni: Fixed?! Now you see, don't go turning into a Sabrina 2.0 on us Karen. Being too nice for your own good and shit. You are the victim in the situation, that psycho should be the one worried about and doing the work to fix things not you!

Ms. Lisa, Andi, & Sabrina: Exactly!

Sabrina: But you ain't have to call me out like that Danni.

Danni: I'm sorry boo, but you know you are the biggest sweetheart outta the 4 of us.

Karen: Yeah, y'all are right. I guess I just don't want Aaron's relationship with his Mom to be ruined forever because of me.

Ms. Lisa: It isn't because of you, if Aaron never speaks to her ding dong ass ever again it would be her fault and her fault alone.

Danni: I just wish I had been there, I would've whooped her ass my damn self Ms. Lisa wouldn't of have had to get her hands dirty. And I would have been so interested to see the preacher go off like you described girl. You know you done fucked up when you got sweet Aaron spazzing and cussing up a storm.

Andi: Oh I'm sure you would have Danni. And yeah I don't know him all that much yet but it doesn't sound like what I do him to be like at all.

Sabrina: IKR? This is just too much.

Ms. Lisa: Well to hell with that bitch for now. Onto Zac's narrow behind.

Danni: I'm gonna fuck him up the next time I see him mark my words.

Andi: Like for real though WTF is wrong with him?!

Sabrina: All those years that you invested into him Karen. Taking him back time and time again through the cheating, and the STD's, & the freeloading. And after he was the one all up on Fatima he had the nerve to show HIS ASS like that after finding out you were serious about moving on. I get being surprised by the engagement. But his anger and entitlement is what blows me. When you were the one that was pouring into him that whole entire on and off relationship.

Karen: Exactly what I've been thinking. It's alright though before me and my baby even get started on our wedding arranging. I got something for Zachary's ass first and foremost. And don't worry it's not anything that is gonna take a lot of energy I know I gotta rest, medicate, & all to get better ASAP.

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