The Amusement Park

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"AMUSEMENT PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

My sister barreled into my room, and shook me awake. "We're going to the amusement park today!!!"

"Calm down, Lissa!" My dad yells from the speaker, planted in the corner of my room, "I can hear you from all the way downstairs!"

When I go downstairs, the coffee brewer is already running, and my dad and my sister are already dressed. "C'mon Venus! Let's go to the amusement park!!" My sister yelled again.

Today is the 3rd week of the month of the Oracle moon, the third moon of the planet of Atlantia, the week that the Ryder's Fair, or the "amusement park", is open. My sister loves it, with it's seemingly magical rides, and delicious food. I'm getting a little too old for it, but the sight of it still knocks the breath out of me every time.

"Fine, Lissa," I said, "Let's go."

"YAYAYYAYAYAYYAAYYAYAYAYAYYAY!!!!!" Lissa yelled, clearly exited, the Ryder's Fair was her favorite place, ever. "LET'S GO!"

When we got there, the Ryder's Fair was in full swing already, although there was a strange amount of pizza stalls. Lissa ran around, looking at this and that, until me and my dad lost track of her. That was fine though, she could call us anytime with her phone, and we could track her down. Besides, she would probably be with her school friends.

"Let's go then" My dad said to me.

We went on a lot of rides, like the haunted house, and the Supersquirrel, which we went on every year.

When the afternoon came, we tracked Lissa down and got lunch at the local pizza stall. I looked at the sign, and it said that the pizza stall was called Spooktacular Pizza.

"Strange..." My dad whispered to himself, "Wasn't this pizza stall here when Venus died?"

By Venus, he means my mom. I was named after her. She died soon after Lissa was born, on a night out with my dad. According to him, she went to the restroom after lunch, and never came back. Her body was never found, but everyone automatically assumed she was dead, of food poisoning. My dad was a vegetarian, so he didn't eat at the same place as her. I found her file a few years after she died.

The name of the place she ate dinner was... Spooktacular Pizza.

We were all really hungry though, so no one complained when we ate there.

A few minutes later, I was walking around with Dad, when suddenly, everyone around me collapsed, one by one. I became aware of a gnawing feeling in my stomach.

I fell to the ground in pain, and my stomach started bleeding as a hole was gnawed through it from the inside out. As my vision started blurring, I saw something that looked vaguely like pizza from Dinosaur Pizza crawl out of the hole in my stomach.

"Now do you know how it feels to be eaten?" It asked,

Then everything



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