Chapter One

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[This was based off of my dream, this may stay as a oneshot! And none of this is a shipfic. It is purely family dynamic.]
After a long 3 days in a room with no food, you'd guess the hunger that trails behind. Mark sighed and instead of praying for it to stop, he began to pray for McDonald's chicken nuggets and ice cream. Mark's stomach growled with hunger as he just imagined the McDonald's ice cream and it's flavor. Mark's prayers had been cut off when an Intruder had broken in through his window, a somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar figure popped through his window. He quickly started to back away from the figure, but instead of threatening him the figure let out a staticky, annoyed groan. "You wanted McDonald's, didn't you?" The Intruder had pointed out, but how would they know? Mark hesitated a bit before nodding. "Uh— yeah, I did.. how did you know?" Mark curiously looked towards the Intruder, who responded by looking out the window. Mark slowly stood from his bed and walked towards the window, looking out to see.. a car? Someone was inside the car, a grayscale angel figure? He looked towards the intruder, who simply gave an impatient signal for him to climb out of the window. Mark slowly climbed out of the window and looked towards the Intruder for help, who had been stood behind him. "What? That's a survivable fall." The Intruder looked down from a the windowsill, they knew it wasn't too bad. They pushed Mark into a bush below and they listened to the cry coming from the 17 year old as he fell. Mark got out of the bush, struggling a bit to regain his balance before looking back right as the Intruder hopped down. The Intruder wiped dust off of themself and looked towards Mark expectantly. Mark let out a quiet 'ooh' as he realized that he was being signaled to get in the car. He walked towards the car and got into the back seat, watching as the Intruder got in. The grayscale angel and the Intruder talked for a while before they actually got to driving. Casual conversation went of between the two inhumane beings in front, he just stared out his window. He overheard the word 'McDonald's' and went to sitting up excitedly. His attention was grabbed by the word so fast he'd immediately gotten embarrassed and sunk back into the car seat. His stomach growled quietly and he couldn't help but hope nobody heard it. He heard a static-filled laugh coming from the Intruder, they definitely heard that. Mark his his face, now even more embarrassed over it. He felt the car turning, taking a peek out he immediately noticed a McDonald's. He stared with his big, hungry eyes as he had to contain himself from opening the door and running out of the still-moving car. He was shaking in his seat, not seriously, but it sure did feel like it. He couldn't wait any longer, he needed his McDonald's happy meal right now, as soon as the car was parked he nearly bolted to get out. He heard a shout from the grayscale angel and the Intruder, he stopped himself from running into the McDonald's, the angel glared at him and the Intruder just looked disappointed. Mark waited for them to get out of the car so they could both actually take him in to the restaurant. After childishly looking both ways on the road, Mark started following after the two inhumane beings who had just walked out in the road with less safety precautions. They made it to the door and as soon as the door opened Mark saw STARS. The smell was so nostalgic, not to mention the children laughing in the playground area. He bounced happily as he followed the inhumane beings to the ordering counter, he noticed a certain someone standing in front of them. He stared for a bit, the McDonald's worker stared back. He took a while to process who it was before shouting out a confused shout of a name, a name all too familiar. "ADAM??" To which Adam stared with his dull, McDonald's worker stare and replied with the usual, "Hey, welcome to McDonald's, how may I help you today?" The monochromatic angel nodded and listed off theirs and Intruder's orders before adding a happy meal. They got him apple slices and 5 piece nuggets. Apple. Slices. Mark crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows, he wasn't a child. They took him to sit down and they waited until their order was called before actually going to get it, little did they know Adam was stirring up a surprise for them. As soon as they got their order Gabriel assorted their foods and handed out each person's order, though after realizing they didn't have apple slices Gabriel went to ask Adam about them. As Gabriel opened their mouth, they got apple slices thrown right at them. Adam stood with apple slices in his hands and kept firing until he'd ran out. Immediately the manager dragged him off to the back and he probably got scolded. Gabriel sat down holding apple slices and they handed Mark the apple slices. Then they enjoyed their McDonald's. Gabriel looked at Mark for a moment, who was eating the apple slices without a care in the world. Gabriel opened their mouth "how are the apple slices, Mark?" They asked, their voice quiet and calming yet terrifying in a way. Mark had jumped a bit, he hadn't heard Gabriel directly talking to him. It was a surprise, one that he wouldn't claim pleasant or unpleasant. He gave a small, slightly awkward smile to the angel as he thought of an answer. "They are really good!" Mark ate yet another apple slice, yet he noticed one thing. Adam walked out of the managers office and glared over at their table, clearly upset over the whole situation. Mark waved at Adam and got an angry middle finger back instead. He frowned and turned back to his food, to which he got a hand on his head, ruffling his hair and messing it up. He looked up at Intruder with a goofy grin and went back to being happy, he laughed a bit and ate his nuggets, though he may or may not have taken a fry or two from Gabriel's fries. Could you blame him? Fries are fries! And Gabriel didn't seem to notice, or at least he thought so. Gabriel knew what Mark was doing yet they just stayed quiet about it, they knew one thing about humans, and that is the fact that they SAY they don't want something they do want. Including foods. Intruder had finished their food and went to take a fry from Gabriel, to which they were met with a slap on the hand and a disappointed look. Intruder looked offended and made dramatic movements to point at Mark's direction. "No fair! You let HIM have fries but not ME?" Intruder looked rather upset, playfully upset though. They couldn't be upset over the kid getting a pass, Mark was stuck in a room for 3 whole days. They stood up and walked over to the ordering counter, ordering more chicken nuggets and fries to let Mark eat more. And also so they could have more fries! They walked back and sat down, as their name was called they walked back up and got the food, walking to the table and setting the warm nuggets down in front of the excited 17 year old, who almost went to eat them immediately. Intruder ruffled the kids hair fondly and smiled, watching as Gabriel gave a nonthreatening smile for once. It was a nice change to see Gabriel so welcoming. Intruder ate their fries and tried to keep themself from taking Mark's fries. They knew Mark needed his own food, so instead they just enjoyed their fries in peace. They gazed towards Gabriel. "So.. are we putting him back with that other alternate? Or are we calling that off?" They asked, it was a genuine concern of theirs! They didn't want the kid to get hurt. Gabriel looked towards them and away from the window, they sighed and tapped their chin a little. "Well, I don't think he deserves the pain of M.A.D, or the alternate constantly banging on his door.. I will see what I can do." Gabriel looked towards Mark. "Well, I guess the only thing to do now is take you back. Or find you a different residential location momentarily.." They couldn't believe they were saying this, but they opened their mouth again to speak once more. "How would you feel about residing with one of us for the while? Until everything is cleared up." Gabriel had to keep themself from pausing on the sentence itself, they never expected to hear those words coming from themself yet here they were. They gave Intruder a hesitant glare, then they looked back at Mark and gathered the courage to smile down at him. They had no reason to other than to comfort the shocked human. Mark hesitated yet looked at Gabriel and smiled. "If you wouldn't mind having me there!" He happily exclaimed, as long as he wasn't a bother he'd happily stay with one of them. Alternates or not they helped him and he couldn't help but feel safe with them, it was in human nature to trust. Especially when it comes to staying places, the humans have a few loose options. Be homeless, move in with a friend/distant family member, or stay in a place like a homeless shelter. They knew it was momentarily until they get the other alternate out, the other alternate has been using Mark's best friend against him. It was honestly sad to watch as the 17 year old prayed and wrote in the journal he held so close. Intruder took up the idea of taking the kid to a restaurant. They just didn't know how hungry the child was. Now that they've seen, they've both realized just how much the humans rely on food. They then noticed Mark was playing with his happy meal toy, smiling like a child. Gabriel stood up and signaled at Intruder that it was time, Intruder walked over to Mark and set the uneaten food into the McDonald's bag before picking up the bag and looking at a slightly tired Mark.  Mark rubbed his eyes as exhaustion hit, then he'd realized that he had gone 3 days and nights without sleep due to the alternate outside his door. He had been experiencing high anxiety for the past few days. And it was easy to tell why, unless you couldn't understand the reason. Then here is a broken down reason! Imagine being trapped in a room with a doppelganger of your best friend banging on the door and calling out at you to open the only thing keeping you from your death. Still don't know why? Then I'm sorry to say this but you have the mindset of an alternate, dear reader. Intruder looked at Gabriel and gave a silent signal to Gabriel, a request for them to pick Mark up. Gabriel noticed the silent hint and sighed. They picked Mark up and signaled at Intruder to start walking. Both made their way to the car as Gabriel reassured Mark that he could sleep. Soon Mark was nothing but quiet snores and a small, clingy lump against Gabriel. Gabriel put Mark in the backseat, laying him down to a comfortable position before closing the car door and getting into the drivers seat, neither them or Intruder had a license or an actual house. They quickly realized their mistakes as Gabriel began driving. Either to return the car or to find a place to stay, they didn't know which and they didn't expect to know yet. Especially with the whole 'basically adopting' Mark stuff they had just experienced. Mark moved around to get more comfortable in the backseat, they froze for a bit as they heard Mark shuffling. Yet when Mark hadn't made noise or anything, they quickly relaxed. They went back to driving off in hopes of finding a place to stay soon.

[ALRIGHT! Sorry everyone, this is around 2000 words long and I am drained! I hope you enjoy this part, I may make more soon! Hope you enjoy! Have a good day/night/afternoon!]


[Small update, I apologize for any spelling mistakes in this! I was tired and I wrote this based off of dreams, they cut off randomly and I went based off of creativity. Also a few typing struggles.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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