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Consort: a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch

Climax: the most intense, exciting, or important point of something; the culmination

Ponce: a pretentious, affected or effete man

Pounce: spring or swoop suddenly so as to catch pray

Acolyte: a person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession

Quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned

To render someone speachless: to leave someone speachless

Revolve: move in a circle or a central axis

Eclectic: deriving ideas, styles, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources

Poignant: evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret

Beseech: as (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat

Tincture: a medicine made by dissolving a drug in alcohol

Ornery: Bad-tempered or difficult to deal with

Lewd: crude and offensive in a sexual way

Whet: Sharpen the blade of

Iffy: full of uncertainty; disdainfull

Magnanimous: Generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerfull person

Chagrin: Annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated

Abhorrent: Inspiring disgust or loathing; repugnant

Repugnant: Extremely distastefull; unacceptable

Musing: A period of reflexion or thought

Aperture: An opening, hole, or gap

Puckish: Playfull, especially in a mischevious way

Vindicate: Clear someone of blame or suspicion

Scorn: A feeling and expression of contempt or disdain for someone or something

Contingency: a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty

Abate: (of something unpleasant or sever) become less intense lr widespread

Bromance: A close, but non-sexual relationship between two men

Burgeoning: Beginning to grow or increase rapidly; flourishing

Iteration: the repitition of a process or utterance

Omit: leave out or exclude either intentionally, lr forgetfully

Gait: A person's manner of walking

Steed: A horse being ridden or avaliable for riding

Lest: with the intentiln of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid the risk of

Grandeur: A quality of great beauty and size which attracts admiration

Lament: A passionate expression of grief or sorrow

Inscrutable: impossible to understand or interpret

Court: a body of people presided over by a judge/s or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases



1: (behaviour vise) brave; heroic

2: charmingly attentive or chivalrous to women


Chivalrous: courteus and gallant, especially towards women

Veiled: wearing or covered by a veil

Pore: a minute opening in a surface, especially the skin or integument of an organism, through which gases, liquids, or microscopic particles may pass

To pore over: to look at and study something  usually a book or document, carefully

Minx: an impudent, cunning, or boldly flirtatious girl or young woman

Placating: intended to make someone less angry or hostile

Skulk: keep out of sight, typically with a sinister or cowardly motive

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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