Chapter 5

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Cora: So this is where the boy who became king grew up

Nick: I guess you could say that but I wouldn't say I'm king yet

Cora: Ooh confident are you

Nick: Aren't I always

Cora: I wish I had your confidence

Nick: Really that's ironic cause I wish I had yours, I mean your brash bold brave loud I mean who wouldn't want to be you

Cora: Hehe glad you think that

Nick: I just don't see how you don't think that

Cora: I was isolated for a long time after you left

Nick: Nobody understood you when I wasn't around

Cora: Yeah, you know nobody took the bullying as well as you did, I mean you took it and just said meh whatever and kept helping me, even when we were forced to partner up on projects I didn't need to ask you to help me during them you just helped

Nick: Cause I knew you were a misfit child that nobody got, and I understood that if I showed even the slightest bit of understanding you'd let me in

Cora: Well look where it's got you

Nick: Yeah I'm taking you around one of my two adopted homes

Cora: What's the other

Nick: Japan

Cora: Ru-

Nick: Stop stop I know what about Chicago, well I always tell people I have two homes Edinburgh and Chicago, cause my heart is in both places Mum is in Edinburgh, Dad is in Chicago but my true home is with the Girl Next Door

Cora: Aww that's adorable

Nick: You think so

Cora: Only you made me a softshell of the hard as nails person I was

Nick: I know but I still got beat up sometimes

Cora: You let me hit you

Nick: Yeah cause I was the only willing to get hit without getting you in trouble

Cora: Huh is that why I only got trouble when I didn't hit you

Nick: Yep

Cora: Huh our school was a bunch of softies wasn't it

Nick: Oh yeah that's for sure I mean I lamped every boy in that school and they all went crying to either their parents or the Head

Cora: Wow you had a temper

Nick: Believe it or not I did but I only ever hit people when they brought you into it

Cora: Aww that's sweet

Nick: Glad you think so

Cora: Wait how'd you get away with it

Nick: Said it was self-defence worked every time

Cora: You played the system

Nick: Yep every single time

Cora: Ooh I guess I didn't know you as well as I thought I did

Nick: No you did, but everybody has a dark side that they don't let people see

Cora: Everybody

Nick: Oh yeah I forgot you let everyone see your dark side

Cora: Yeah I did didn't I

Nick: Yeah, I'm home

AJ Styles: Hey

Nick: You coming

Cora: You sure

AJ Styles: Of course he is, Hi Bri *Hugs Cora* how are you

Cora: I'm great

AJ Styles: *Pulls Back* Good he been showing you around

Cora: Yeah he's quite the tour guide and quite the view

AJ Styles: Well come in you two get comfy

Cora: Thanks

Wendy: Nick *Hugs Nick* *Pulls Back* So Florida huh

Nick: Knew that was coming before you ask I was actually in Orlando finalising a place before I flew to Houston

Cora: Ooh you moving out

Nick: Technically I moved out three years ago when I hit Japan

Wendy: Yeah his suitcases are still barely unpacked

Nick: Yeah wasn't planning on staying long when I moved back Stateside

AJ Styles: Then why you been here 3 weeks

Nick: Cause I didn't know where I was signing to be honest

AJ Styles: Yet you chose WWE

Nick: Doc and Karl were hounding me now thanks to you being out I'm stuck with them

AJ Styles: Haha you have to listen to Karl rave about his "Smoking hot Asian Wife"

Nick: Yeah I do thanks

Cora: Can't be that bad

Nick: I'd rather travel alone than with them two dimwits

AJ Styles: Aww you love them really

Nick: Yeah but they're dimwits

Cora: I'll travel with yous for Raw and see how bad it is

Nick: Bring Ear Muffs your gonna want to use them about halfway through the journey

AJ Styles: That long really

Nick: Your right I meant after 10 minutes

Cora: I don't have any so I'll steal yours

Nick: You can take a pair yeah

AJ Styles: How many do you have

Nick: Seven

Wendy: Understandable

Nick: At least someone agrees with me

AJ Styles: I didn't disagree

Nick: But you didn't agree either

AJ Styles: Yeah true

Cora: Alright look boys enough fighting Nick I'm tired can we get some rest

Nick: Of course c'mon

Nick's Room

Nick: Welcome

Cora: Interesting room

Nick: Yeah

Cora: I don't see anything of your parents or me

Nick: Here *Gives Cora Photobook*

Cora: You kept everything

Nick: Yeah AJ and Wendy printed them out for me when I was in Japan and put them in that book

Wendy: Yeah we've got some new ones for you

Nick: Doc

Wendy: Yeah Doc took photos like we asked him too including this photo *Shows photo of Cora Hugging Nick Backstage*

Nick: Thank god I now have control of these pictures

Wendy: Yeah otherwise your 22nd was going to be a lot of fun

Nick: Yep I know

Cora: Alright I'm ready for bed what about you

Nick: Yeah I am, Night Wendy

Wendy: Night guys *Leaves*

Cora: *Cuddles into Nicks Chest* Mmm your warm

Nick: Good

Cora: Good night

Nick: Night

End Chapter

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