The test

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background: This fanfiction takes place at the beginning of season 2 of G&G, with Ginny and Austin still staying with Zion. Also for timeline, Ginny and Austin have been at Zion's for a little over 2 weeks. Spoiler alert!!!! Hope you enjoy.

Ginny sits in the bathroom of Zion's apartment waiting, waiting for a tiny piece of plastic to tell her if her and Marcus' lives will be changed forever. Ginny sat there shaking, how could she be in this situation, she's only 1 year older then when her mom found out she was pregnant. Ginny's period was late, which is extremely rare for her, at first, she thought it might have just been stress from finding out about her mother's past, but then she started to feel sick all the time, Ginny connected the dots and was beyond terrified for what the results of the test would be. Ginny's phone finally buzzed; it was time. Ginny took a deep breath and flipped over the test on the counter, where a small plus sign had appeared. Ginny just stood there, as if she was frozen in time. Everything was a blur until she heard her dad, Zion, yell from the kitchen that dinner was ready. Ginny quickly went to her purse and hid the pregnancy test, splashed some cold water on her face and headed downstairs.

Z- Hey peach, how are you feeling, I could make you some soup if you still aren't feeling well

G- I'm feeling a lot better after the nap, I just hope it goes away before thanksgiving, I can't wait to see grandma and grandpa

Z- Well they are very excited to see you too, but are you sure you don't want to go spend thanksgiving with your mom?

G- The last thing I want to do is go home right now

Z- Look I get you aren't too happy about your mom getting married again, but she loves you and your brother, that's never going to change

G- God dad, this has nothing to do with Paul, the worst part is I actually like Paul, he's a great guy, don't you get it mom's the problem

Z- I get you guys had a fight, but you can get past this, for better or worse she's your mother

G- This isn't just a fight, God you don't know her dad, she's going to put on a fake smile and pretend like things have changed when they haven't, I can't deal with her especially now.

Z- what do you mean "especially now"?

Ginny stood there, looking at her father, she knew she couldn't lie to her dad, he saw right through her. Ginny stood there for what felt like hours terrified about what she had to do, until all of a sudden, she felt a tightening in her chest, she felt like an elephant was sitting on her chest as she slid down to the floor. Before she knew it, she was in her dad's arms until she finally felt the weight lift away, she pulled away and looked at her father

Z- Peach you've got to tell me what's going on, whatever it is we'll get through it

G- Promise me you won't be mad, please

Z- There is nothing that you could say that would ever change how much I love you

G- I'm pregnant

Ginny sat there, looking at her father, his face wasn't angry, it was concerned. they just sat there waiting for the other to speak until he pulled her into his arms. That was all it took for ginny to completely fall apart into tears in his arms.

Z- Its ok honey, no matter what I'm here for you

G- I'm so sorry daddy

Z- Ok, first things first are you sure you're pregnant?

G- well according to the test I took I am

Z- Well I'll take you to a clinic tomorrow, those tests can be wrong sometimes

G- God I hope you're right

Z- Does Hunter know?

G- If I am pregnant, Hunter wouldn't be the one who would need to know anything

Z- What do you mean?

G- Me and hunter never had sex

Zion paused for a moment, confused until it clicked in his mind

Z- Marcus?

G- Yes and no Marcus doesn't know about this, we aren't really talking right now

Z- Why? did you have a fight?

G- Basically the rest of mang and hunter found out about me and marcus, and they were asking us questions about what we are, and Marcus told them that it was a mistake

Z- Wow, want me to punch him?

G- No, he says he only said it to stop us from fighting, but then I left so suddenly and now this, I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do.

Z- Look I know this isn't my place, but if you are pregnant, I think you should tell him. I get that things are going to be weird and complicated but you're going to have to accept that that baby is half his.

G- I'll tell him when the time is right

Z- And, you're also going to have to eventually tell your mom

G- Ugh, I don't know which I'm more nervous for

Z- well try not to worry to much, things will work out in the end, goodnight gummy bear

G- goodnight dad

Ginny went to bed that night knowing that everything was full of uncertainty, what was she going to tell Marcus? How would he react? How can I even bring a child into the world knowing what their grandparent is? Ginny fell asleep knowing no matter what happened, she would never be the same.

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