totally new world

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At the next morning, she wook up, and she was shocked but positively shocked. The beautiful, white tigerfriend had 3 tigerkittens!, they where so cute, she just cuddled with them. "Umm... what could be the name for this cuties?" The tiger doesn't gave her an answer because he can't speak english. Ella thought in her mind "I must learn tigerlanguage!, I only can Rawr & meow, more I can't!"

3 months after she was like a tiger. She had fur on her full body, like a tiger! She was a tigerlanguageexpert.
"Tigers are my friends, my family, my world!" Said she always. She walked on her 4 hands, now paws, like a tiger! Every other tiger she saw, thought she was a tiger and spoken lovely with her, they never will belive that she's a human.

2 years after she got her own tigerkittens. They looked like real tigerkittens. Ella is a tiger. Nobody will belive that she's a human.
Tigers are her friends, her life, her world.

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