11. Maybe He Wasn't A Demons Fan

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Friday night football at the Peachville High stadium was like going to a fair without all the rides. There was popcorn, cotton candy, music, and practically everyone in town came. Ella Mae gave us each money for admission and snacks, then told us to meet her back at the Shadowford van ten minutes after the final buzzer.

Mary Anne, who had yet to say two words to me since I moved to Peachville, took off to sit with Ella Mae. Courtney, Agnes and I stuck together.

"So, what do you want to do?" Agnes said. "We could find a spot on the bleachers and watch the kickoff. Or we could get something to eat. We could always walk around and look for cute guys. There's this one guy, Grant, that's in my English class. He's delicious. I'll introduce you to him if I see him. I have a major crush on him."

We walked along the back of the metal bleachers. Agnes talked nonstop and I tried to pretend I wasn't searching for Jackson in the crowd. He hadn't been with us on the Shadowford van, but his car wasn't in the driveway either.

"What about you?" she asked.


"You know, boys. Did you have a boyfriend in Atlanta?"

I shook my head. "Not really. There was this one guy, Lucas. He was sort of my boyfriend for a while, but I've moved around too much to stay with anyone."

"I know what you mean," Agnes said. "Before Shadowford, I had been in like eight different schools."

"What about you, Courtney?" I wanted to include her in the conversation, but for the most part, Courtney seemed really shy.

"I've never had a boyfriend," she said.

"Is there anyone at PHS that you like?" Agnes asked. "You've been going to school here for what? Four years now?"

"Uh-huh." Courtney pushed her straight blond hair out of her face, and for the first time, I noticed how pretty she was. "There's no one really special, I guess."

"I think we should try to find a boyfriend for Harper."

"Whoa, no thanks," I said, shaking my head vigorously. It wasn't that I was opposed to having a boyfriend, of course, I just didn't want Agnes picking him out for me. My mind flashed to Jackson's dark green eyes and the way my entire body had gone hot when he came close to me.

"We'll see," she said with a smile. "It won't be hard for a girl like you."

"Why do you say that?"

"Just look at you," Agnes said. "You're tall, skinny. You have perfect skin. And I'd kill to have such pretty wavy blonde hair. You know, you're pretty enough-"

"If you tell me I'm pretty enough to be a cheerleader, I'm gonna punch you in the face," I joked.

She giggled and bumped me jokingly with her shoulder. "Fine, I won't say it."

As we turned the corner, I scanned the parking lot again for Jackson's car, but there was no sign of him. Maybe he wasn't a demon fan.

The announcer's voice boomed through the loudspeaker. "Welcome Demon fans to another night of Peachville High football!"

"Come on," Agnes said, taking my hand. "Let's go down to the field to watch the team break through the banner."

As we made our way down to the field, I watched as the cheerleaders unfolded a huge banner that said "GO DEMONS! BEAT THE HOGS!" in bright blue letters. The marching band stood in two lines blaring pep music while the fans crowded onto the field, forming a sort of runway for the team.

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