chapter 03

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All of them reach at the garden. They stand in front of the entrance to welcome the guest. Many renowned business man,politicians, actors,models are invited at the party. After some time they see Jeon couple along with Kim and Park couple ar coming.All of them made flower path for Jeon couple.When they start to walk over the flower path they start to thow ross patels on them. Jungkook, Taehyung and kaihope take them to the stage where Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin are waiting for them with flower bouquet.They reach to the stage and receive the flower bouquet. They hug the children being emotional.Namjoon take them to reserved table and make them sit with kims and Parks.When they are sitting there someone come from behind and hug them.
???: Happy anniversary mom dad.
Somi:Jack why are you so late.
Jackson: Sorry mom.
(Jackson is Namjoon's best friend. He is very honest and nice man.Jeon consider them as their own son.He is an orphan and he address Somi and Jonghyun as mom and dad)
Namjoon: What can we expect from you.Like always you are late.
Jackson:Joon handling a big shoping complex isn't easy.
Yoongi:Stop bickering.We have to continue the party.

All of them along with Jackson go to the stage. At that time Mr. Kim hansul and Kim Seokjin enter. Jonghyun goes to them and welcome them.

On the otherside Namjoon is mesmerised seeing Jin.Yoongi, Jungkook, kai and Jackson notice Namjoon and think to  tease him.
Jackson:What happened Joon?
Yoongi:Are ok?
Namjoon:What happened to me? I am alright.
Jungkook: Hyung look dad is calling us.

They went to the elders. Jonghyun introduce all of them each other. they are my Sons Yoongi,Namjoon,Hoseok and Jungkook and this is Taehyung my little bear Seojoon's son,this is Jimin Hyungsik's son and this kai our son-in-law more like son and last but not least Jackson my another son.

Hansul:Nice to meet you gentlemen.I am kim hansul and This is my only son Kim Seokjin.

All youngsters:Hello uncle.
Jin:Hello everyone
Taehyung:Hello Jin hyung.Can we call you hyung
Jin:Of course
Jungkook:Welcome to Jeon mansion hyung
Jin:Thanks Jungkook
Jimin:Mr kim can we take Jin hyung with us?
Hansul:Sure and call me uncle son.

Jimin smiles and they take Jin with them.All of them are talking with Jin except Namjoon whi is only starin at Jin.Jungkook goes to him and whispers
Jungkook:Isn't Jin hyung beautiful hyung?
Listening that Jungkook, kai,Jackson and Yoongi start to laugh.Namjoon get back to his sense and glares them.Others look at them
Hobi: Why are you laughing like that
Kai:Nothing sunshine. We are just joking.
Taehyung:Aren't you guys joking too much today.
Jungkook: Tae forget about this.We have to give mom dad surprise.
Taehyung:Yeah.Let's go.

They went to the stage.Namjoon took the mic
Namjoon:Welcome everyone.Today is the most special day in my life my mom dad's anniversary.I belive they are angles in disguise as human.I am not their own son but they never let me fell it.
Listening his words Jonghyun and Somi become emotional.
Namjoon:Today we all want to show something mom and dad.

Saying this he get down from the stage.They all goes to jeon couple and give them hand written letters.All of them wrote their thoughts about Jonghyun and Somi. Jeon couple start to crying while reading those letters.They are emotionally overwhelmed by their love.

Then the light becomes dim and music start and one by one all Jeon's son come to them singing Jeon couple's favourite song. After the song finished they goes back to te stage

Spot light fell on the stage and they see Jungkook and Taehyung dressed as young Jonghyun and Somi. They show their first meeting, marriage and their married life.Jonghyun and Somi have tear in their eyes.

But surprises don't end here.Now the youngsters come to them with a big photo frame which has a lot of photos of Jeon couple. Jeon couple see the frame and smile with tears seeing their precious moments as photos.They hug all of them

Jin is seeing all of this with soft smile.He loves the relationships of the family.But he was so impressed with Namjoon. When he came here he saww that handsome man and when he showed his love for parents,Jin starts to respect him.

The party comes to an end.The cake is infront of the couple. They cut the cake and feed each other.Every guest is taken to the dinner place. Hansul come to them.
Hansul:Honestly Jonghyun you got the loveliest family.
Jonghyun :Thanks Hansul
Hansul:Ok we will take our leave
Jonghyun : No you can't leave.You have to stay
Hansul:Sorry I can't stay.I have to go to london tomorrow
Somi:Then Jin you have to stay.
Jin:But auntie...
All youngsters:Please please
Hansul:ok Jin stay here.
Jin:ok dad
Hobi,Jmin,Taehyung :Yeh!!

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