A Few Years Later. . .

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I am living, if you could really call it that, as a demon. Still it's way better than being dead. I am one of the best, no, I am the best Demon Hunter/Slayer there was. After three years I have yet to fail Death in any way. . . that is until today. Today is the third anniversary of my "death". Well it was three years ago in the human realm. Time flows differently in the demon realm. Where it was a year in the human realm it was about ten years in the demon realm also known as the afterlife. Yes, I technically live in the afterlife. Awesome right? No. Unless you are a high ranking official, guardian or one of Death's personal entourage. I worked as Death's right hand woman. Protecting him and doing his dirty work in the human realm.

"Alistayria," I turned at the sound of that all too familiar deep voice. "Yes your Majesty?" I knew that he would catch on to the honey-like sarcasm dripping from my voice. I rolled my eyes but stopped when I saw the look on his face. "My office NOW!" I saw a pretty demon look me up and down. She had an amazing body and mid-length blood red hair. She was also the only demon who had a 'problem' with me. By 'problem' I mean she was head-over-heels for Death. That did not make her happy when I was appointed as his right hand. As if that made me someone to worry about. I don't even think that he is that cute. And he has yet to acknowledge her at all.I think her name was Aris and she was in Death's personal entourage. She had a smirk on her face that made her seem even more mean. She was the demon version of Regina George. I was just waiting for The Burn Book to appear. I laughed earning a look from Death. I turned and followed Death to his office. When I say this was not what I was expecting the after life to be like I meant it. The afterlife was a place that could be either good or bad depending on your sentence. When you die you enter the Mirror Room. This is where you are shown your memories and all the good or bad things that you did while you were on Earth. Then you go to meet the Big Three. The Big Three consist of Death who will decide your fate, The Devil who rules over Hell, and an Angel that God sends down to escort those worthy of Heaven.

You have a chance to plead your case and try to get into Heaven or Hell. You can go with your Guardian Angel to Heaven or you can go with the Devil to Hell. I have never been to the Mirror Room seeing as I did not die. I have only heard stories but they were all just trying to scare me and try and dissuade me from being Death's second in command.

I was lost in my own world trying to wrack my brain as to why Death would want to see me. I was so lost in thought that I almost ran into him. We stood there for a minute. "Are we going in?" I asked in confusion. "Yes," he said hesitantly. He let me go in first and shut the door. . . and he locked it. He only locked the door if he wanted to say something that would never leave the room. He sighed in exasperation as he looked at me. He ran a hand through his hair and when he did his shirt lifted just a little to show his toned body. I mean it when I say his body was a masterpiece. When we used to spar during my training to become a Hunter I saw just how muscular he was and I knew firsthand how well that man could move.

"Alistayria I have some news." he said finally. He was looking down and not at me. This man who was in front of me was a completely different person from the one that the other demons knew. This was the Death that only I saw. I was fine with him letting his guard down around me and confiding in me. I was just not prepared for his next sentence. "Ali." Shit. He was the only one that called me that and he only did that when there was something wrong and he couldn't let anyone else see this. "Your friend Renae has been brought to the Mirror Room. She died last night and Damien was sent to retrieve her soul. I wanted you to know and to tell you that you will be able to attend her meeting of the Big Three." he said sadly. I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. "Ali, are you ok?" he was worried. "Why? Why was I invited to the meeting?" I asked on the verge of tears. Of all people, why was it her.

"She was a key part in your becoming a demon and she was your friend. I thought that you might wanna go see," he said quietly. Yes she was the main reason as to why and how I became a demon, I mean she did kill me. But was I ready to see her after not seeing her and knowing what she did, "You can say no," he whispered. "No. I need to know what happened and the reason as to why she killed me." I was angry, scared, upset, hurt and nervous about what this would bring. "Death," I started. "Dustin please, when we are alone please call me Dustin." I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Ali." I crumpled to the floor and he came running and held me as I silently cried. He may be Death but he was surprisingly warm and smelled like hibiscus. As I embraced the warmth and sweet smell radiating from him I calmed down.

I looked up to see Dustin staring at me. I could see the little bit of gold in his green eyes. He leaned in ever so slightly. We were so close that our breaths became one and he came closer and instinctively I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes after a while and that was when he put his lips to mine delicately. I gave into the kiss and let his arms wrap around me. I felt a moan deep in the back of his throat as I pulled him closer. I could feel the heat between us as he deepened the kiss. It felt like I was drowning and I never wanted to come up for air. He pulled away all too soon. I was disappointed but I shook my head to clear it. "So. . . should we get going then?" He asked shyly. I smirked at the blush creeping up his cheeks.

"S-sure!" I awkwardly stuttered. My mind was completely blank until I remembered about the meeting. I led the way out of his office and I kept my head down and stopped only when I had no idea where I was going. I looked back at Death and he laughed as he pointed to the left. I rolled my eyes and followed him down a spiral staircase. It was such a long way down I thought that it could go on and might go on forever. When I saw the bottom I was in shock. There were these two massive doors. One was green and had a picture of angels that were dancing and singing as the sun rose. The other door was red and depicted demons burning and screaming as the sun set. There was a loud bang that came from inside the room. I looked over at Death and he was completely unfazed. I guess he has been through this plenty of times. 

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