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Y/n woke up to an empty room in the morning she had dry tear trail on her face and her hair was messy she got up took a shower and changed into he uniform,then went for breakfast,there weren't many people there but she decided on not making any eye contact with anyone,she could however feel everyone present staring at her just then she heard Draco's voice,he sat next to her and talked to her to divert her attention.
Then during lunch y/n thought to herself that maybe if she told them everything they'd understand but when she looked over at the Gryffindor table she saw they had already replaced her with lavender. Draco noticed y/na sad expression and tried to cheer her up which seemed to work but y/n thought to herself 'maybe they're more happy without me'
Y/n grew depressed and miserable day by day and she'd cry but Draco was always there to listen to her,he was also the reason y/n stopped self harm,but a month or two later y/n had have enough , she went to Hermoine, Ginny and apparently now lavenders room .
Lavender: "what the hell y/n did you loose ur manners too"
Y/n ignored her and told the girls she needed to talk to them but they dismissed her in a sharp tone with hurtful words.Y/n was about to leave but turned around and spoke up, "I never imagined you guys of all the people would have treated me like that, I wanted to talk to you about the night I got rapped and was forced to become Draco's girlfriend. What kind of selfish friends are you,I wasn't even given a chance to tell you about it because you didn't want to hear anything from me"y/n ran out the room crying and bumped into Draco, he had come to talk to hermoine to explain everything but ended up over hearing the convo,Y/n pushed him away and ran and ran until she found herself on top of the astronomy tower she stoo at the edge of the roof . George,harry and Ron who had also over heard the conversation as they were in the room at the time had followed y/n too. "Y/N!!what are you doing love get down please" Draco begged her Ron in an attempt to calm her told her to talk things over. "NO Ron I tried I begged you all to please listen to me to please let me explain,but you guys didn't give me any chance and now suddenly everyone wants to talk,now you all want to talk it out...during all of this every single one of you except Draco forgot that I am a human too, I get hurt too."
Y/n pulled up her sleeve to show them her scars and continued "these are the scars I gave to myself because of you guys , I want to kill myself because of you guys,it would have been better if I died with my parents because honestly all of this is too much to handle...I can't do this anymore I'm sorry Draco ..." and with that she closed her eyes and fell back only to feel a pair of hands grab hers it was Draco and grorge ,Y/n begged for them to let go of her hand but just then she passed out.

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