7th grade high school

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Paris started 7th grade at 13 for she repeated middle school because of her violence towards a teacher."get up paris,its the first day and we are already running late",paris mother Tasha said. Paris father was a Caucasian and her mother was a African she came out beautifully. with long black hair from her father and a strong jaw line from mother in the parish that they lived everyone called Paris goddess for her beauty wasn't seen on the island before. In Jamaica students had to wear uniforms but because of Paris curve at such a young age it seemed as if the uniforms were tight on her this normally gets students in trouble but everyone was too bewitched by the perfection in which she had that they completely ignored the school rules for just her. Parish came into the school the school yard in which everyone turned their heads even teachers had to stop what they were doing at this time Paris finally realizes that she had this power over everyone. "Why every body a luk Arne mummy",paris asked her mother ,"cuz you just luk better than them "her mother stated. Tasha only spoke potwa with her friends and Paris , Paris sat beside a girl named Brittany ,Brittany was the jealous type of person so Paris realized it from her other past interactions with other girls at middle school.
"Hello",paris turned around looking at Brittany with her bright brown wide orbes, Brittany was love struck and jealous at the same time confusing her until she decided to move from where she was for Paris did not reply to her

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