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Emanie Rodriguez

          "That's probably the most fun I've ever had," I say to Leanna as we walk into her apartment building. She gives me a side eye. "Without the help of some tequila." She chuckles.

          Today me and Leanna took some crazy pictures at our photoshoot and we may have gone to a couple of random people's parties. But all I know is that it was fun as hell. We step into the elevator and head all the way to the 5th floor.

          As we step off and walk down a long hallway Leanna fiddles in her bag looking for her keys. I look down at my phone seeing the missed calls from my little sister. I begin texting my sister asking if she's ok but Leanna's arm knocks my phone out of my hand.

          I look up and see what Leanna was looking at. There was someone huddled down next to       her apartment door with their head between their knees. Leanna pushes me behind her and pulls something from her side when the person lifted their head.

          "Luciano?" Leanna bends down to meet the person's gaze. I get a glance at the boy, looks like he's been crying due to his puffy under eyes and awfully red nose. He stands up and they hug. "How long have you been here?" Leanna says furious.

          "Umm since like 12." Leanna furrows her brows and looks at me.

          "I went to see Alessio but it didn't go well." Leanna puts her hand on her forehead. We stand in silence for I good minute. In that time I can get a good look at the boy. Or well his name is Luciano....I think. He shares similar features with Leanna. Like their Heteromia but his beautiful freckles just as Alessio. Yes I did take a couple of glances at Alessio yesterday. BUt nothing major.

          "Ugh lets go we're going to his place." Leanna finally says and starts walking down the hall and we follow behind her slightly, having to jog . "I'm tired of him treating you like you're a baby." We step into the elevator and as soon as the door closes we begin to head down.

          "I'm Emaine, Leanna's best friend." I said breaking the silence. I hold my hand out. He takes it into his.

          "Luciano, Leanna's baby brother." Just then the elevator door opens and we are again jogging to keep up with Leanna. We all take our seats in the car. Luciano sits in the back looking out the window. He looks calmer and less tense as he was earlier.


Leanna is now banging on Alessio's door. When the door swings open she is met with a gun facing her. As the gun is lowered Leanna barges in going past a very broad guy. Me and Luciano follow behind her. "ALESSIOO!!" She can yell like a teacher.

          I see Alessio walking down the stairs. His eyes are low and he's walking extra slow. He stops when he comes to the bottom of the steps. Leanna walks up to him and slaps him in his face. I flinch from being startled. "What the hell is wrong with you!?"

          "I am tired of the way you treat Luca. He is only 15 let alone he's your baby brother and yet you're already disowning him. Don't turn into mom please!" I turn over to look at Luciano but he's pacing around in circles biting his nails. I take him into my arms and sit on the floor with him huddled in my lap.

          Leanna and Alessio continue to fight. I put my head down as flashbacks flood my memory of my stepfather and mom constantly arguing. I feel my face get hot and red as the tears start flowing. I squeeze Luciano as I feel his tears hitting my arm. I let go of Luciano, my breath quickening and my body starting to tremble. I'm feeling hot, my chest hurts and I'm quite dizzy like everything around me is spinning. The arguing stops and suddenly arms are flying around me.

          "Don't think about it. You're ok," Leanna knows about my past and she always tries to comfort me about it. My body goes back and hits the floor. "Alessio go get me an ice pack, Now!" My hearing goes muffled but I can kind of hear Leanna telling me to take deep breaths. My eyes are too heavy so I decide to shut them.

 My eyes are too heavy so I decide to shut them

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Heyyy love bugsss.
So sorry for the late update school is stressful.
But as always chapter thoughts?
Have a good day, Love yall.!

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