Three Hobbits

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"How long has Frodo been gone now?"

Snow crunched under Sam 's feet as he pondered Merry's question. "Three years now." And then, "Three years now and counting."

"I miss him," Pippin said, slightly sniffing. "He never judged us, you know, no matter how much we messed up."

"That was Frodo," Sam said, "And you were family."

"And we don't need that anymore," Merry said. "The other Hobbits no longer judge us like they used to."

"That's because we came home heroes," Pippin said.

"And the two of you've grown up quite a bit in the promise," Sam said, the snow still crunching under his feet.

A sound made the three Hobbits glance up. Pippin moved forward, his furry feet gathering more snow as he headed towards the sound of a crying baby, to which he paused. He then scooped up the tiny infant, turning his head to look at the others. "It's a baby."

"Obviously, Pippin."

"What shall I name them?" Pippin said. He was met by silence while Sam stared, and Merry cleared his voice. "What?"

"You can't keep the baby Pippin. We need to find the mother," Merry said.

"A mother who abandoned her baby?" Sam said, glancing back towards Bag End. "I'll head back and let Rose know so that she can prepare a space."

"Well, maybe she didn't?" Merry called out, "Just saying on the off chance she didn't."

"I actually know that," Pippin said, hurrying after Sam. "But we can't keep calling the poor thing, baby."

Merry sighed.

And they looked, only to find the little one 's family frozen near where they found her, similar to how Frodo's parents had drowned. "A relative should take her in," the village said, to which Pippin said, "I'll take her."

"We'll take her," Merry said.

"Oh, definitely," Rose said. "Unlike Frodo, if this babes family shows, they won't be alone in raising her."

Sam thought it over and said, "Frodo would be pleased."

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