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The next morning I woke up happier than yesterday thank to Liam ,so I went down stairs and ate my breakfast with family and watch a cartoon with my sister she is the coolest sister sometimes so when I came back to my room to check my phone I had a few txt from Justin which I was avoiding to answer then since the party and a miss call from Angelina she wanted to see me to do some English works,we were in a same group so I went to her place after lunch .my mom said they they are going to a huge grocery shopping so I can stay in her place long enough .
"hello "I said "heyyy how are you"with a big smile as always she is so sweet"fine how are you?" I said as we walked to her room "goodd,don you wanna tell me about your secret night with liam last night?" she said teasing "so you saw him came?"I asked she live just the house in front my house she should have seem it "no he told me,I guess he is gonna ask me out "she said she "OMG did I miss a chapter?"that was awesome she told me she had a crush on him "not any big of a deal but Yeah he kissed me in the party and since then we kept chatting in Kik and yeah "she said and covered her face in her hands "awww thats so awesome Angi come on give me hug"and I hugged her I was really happy for her "we need to celebrate it omg"I said "okay how about go out for the dinner can you come?"she asked "yeah my parents are out so my mom said I can stay for dinner" i said "great ,I know a awesome cosy place I love it we can go there "she said "what ever you say girl,so lets do the homework "I said as we started doing the homeworks
"Ugh I hate this new teacher"she said it for the thousandth of time "you don't have to say it every minute ,she is nice I like her "I said teasing her "not me,NOT MEH"she said and I burst out laughing "okay okay"after hours of working it was finally over "this made me hella tiered"she said "that's because of you hate her and said that thousands of tim"we both burst out laughing "okay so let me ask my mom for the keys so we can gooo outtt"she said and I smiled and nodded ,to be honest this made me tiered too she is so strict at this group works,"she let us yess" she came in with the keys in her hand and moving it in the air ""yes so lets goo"I said "you are coming with this dresses?" She asked and I looked at my dresses dark gray leggings with a long sleeve black shirt and my dark red vans I was happy with it"yeah any thing wrong with it?"I said "no no it's perfect ,I just need to change "she said "yeah thats okay go change "I said .so she changed and we went to her car ,she put some songs "i love this song"I said ,I was a huge fan of music the only thing that help me ,wether I'm happy or sad "yeah me too "so we started singing trow the lyrics.
And we were there it was small and cosy and comfortable and a melo song was on "so I love their special friezes with soda how about you?"she asked "I would love that "I said and called for a waiter to come,they brought our mail fast as we started eating and talking about everything ,it was almost an hour we were there and we were still talking that suddenly I saw my phone was ringing and as I saw the name my heart just dropped "who is it?" She asked and come closer to see "answer it"She said "I can't "I said "answer it or I will"she said and pushed me to answer it "hello"I said my whole body was shaking so does my voice ,"Rozh..."a low voice said his voice was low deep and full of pain "what is it?"I said as Angelina said 'don't be rude '
"Can you come bye to this address..."he said he was talking really hard "is anything wrong?"I asked "just come by please" he said almost beginning me "txt me the address" I said and hung up "what was it about?"she asked "he begged me to go to him and he is gonna txt it"I said and covered my face with my hands ,and by that he txt the address "I know where it is lets go "she stood up picked up her keys and my phone and went through the door ,it wasn't far from where we were it was a small dark dead end allay .she stopped the car "here we are"she said ,this was insane ,I am to crazy to go to that place but my legs took me there without ever thinking "stay in the car"I said and got out of the car .
As I went inside I turned on my flashlight o my phone "Justin you...here...."I asked really low ,I saw him ,he had his knees in his hands and covered his face there was some broken stuff around him and I bet there were blood on the ground .I went closer to him sat down in front of him ,and he looked up at me his face was totally damaged and his nose was bleeding so does a small part of his lips "what have you done to your self?"I asked I felt a huge lamp in my throat "come on I help you stand up "and took his hand and he stood up and fell on me he was too big and his chest was hard "hug me"he said as I hugged him ,I was just tall enough to put my head on his chest and could listen to his heart beating "you okay?" I asked "I'm better now you are here "and we started to go out of that god damn street "get in the car "and I opened the door and helped him get in the car "omg he is okay?"Angelina asked "No just drive us to his place ",and Justin tolled her where to go ,all the way to his place I was just to afraid to look at him because I knew if I look to his eyes once again and see his face I will cry my eyes out .
As we got there me and Angelina helped him went inside as we took him to his room ,as I started to search for first aid kit and Angelina helped me I was in control but still not looking at him ,Angi said she will bring a bowl of water so we can clean the towel and also his face "you need to take out your shirt so I can see if there is any bruises or anything "and helped him took out his clothes there was nothing much just a small scratch on his left side of his stomach ,it was insane why he fought? Why did he do such a thing? My tear just start falling as I clean them really fast he put his hands on my neck an his thumbs were on my cheek "you crying?"he said "No"i said try to took his hands off of me "look at me"he move my head so I was facing him I avoided eye contact and just look down "I said look at me "he said and I looked in to hi eyes his hazel golden eyes "I said I'm not crying just let me clean you"and finally he let go of me ,and Angi came in as I cleaned hi face there nothing big on his face to be considered about just a bruise on his right cheek and it was not big.
"I'll be downstairs tell me when ever you wanted to leave "Angi said and went out of the room left me with him and his heavy look on me "I txted you "he said as he walked to his closet to change "I saw that"I answered "why didn't you txt me back?"he said and changed his pants "its not like you care about my answer "I answered "how would you say that?who said I don't care?"he said looking me in the eye and walked back to the bed sitting next to me "why did you call me?"I asked without carrying about his questions "because you were the only person I could trust in that time and ..."he ate the end of his sentence ,and moved his fingers through his hairs and licked hi lips ,the only that was a weakness of me so I looked at him "And you are the only person I know I can count on no matter what "he said and laid on the bed still shirtless "sure you can"i whispered it to my self and stood up "you need to rest Justin "and put a blanket on him and made my way to the door ,but he took my hand and stopped me "stay with me tonight "he said "I can't "I said "call your mom and tell her you are staying here tonight "he said bossy "No Justin I can't ,I have school tomorrow "I said and puled back my hand .and I walked down stairs "lets go"I said "you are not staying ?" She asked ,God why should I stay "No,come on lets go"I said as she came and we left ,the whole ride went on in silence till we arrived "thanks for tonight Angi sorry for that"I said and gave her a hug "no problem ,thats what friends do right?"she said "and plus Justin fucking bieber sat in my carr" she said with a wife smile"you are totally crazy ,see you tomorrow "I said and walked to my house.
What a crazy night.
No one was still home so I went upstairs to my room changed and sat on my bed staring at my posters ,why did I even answer his call? And why did I care that much to even cry?
Drowned in my thoughts as I felt asleep .

Okay so guys thanks a million for 980 readers that means the world to me .
So here you go my new chapter and I won't be able to write for a month school exams (senior) so vote and comment let me know what ya think.
Surprise me !

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