Celestia's fight

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"Protect Equestria no matter what eh?" said Upper as he casually hid behind Twilight, Celestia just grew angrier.

"What kind of stallion are you?!" Shouted Celestia

"I'm far from a stallion!" said Upper as he lit his horn; Twilight's eyes glowed even brighter from the spell. "I'm a beast"

"Hold on Twilight!" shouted Celestia, Twilight just started to cry as she was force to lit her horn, Twilight place a barrier around them.

"Well Twilight? Is that all you can do?" ask Upper, Twilight tried to resist against Upper's magic but in the end failed. Twilight lit her horn and created a massive ball of magic, she fired at Celestia, Celestia had protected herself with a barrier.

"Powerful but not a surprise" smirk Upper

"Luna gets ready" Celestia said, Luna took a moment before she realized what her sister meant

"Celestia...why?" ask Luna

"JUST do it...please Luna" said Celestia while she lit her horn, Luna just nod her head in agreement as she lit her horn as well.

"I don't know what you two are talking about! But you'll never hurt her" said Upper while he forced Twilight to attack her family. Twilight send waves and waves of attack but Celestia and Luna easily dodge them, Celestia created a very small explosion behind Twilight. Twilight flew across the throne room, Luna quickly knock Twilight out with a spell.

"Bind her!" shouted Celestia, Luna did as she was told and bind Twilight's wings, hooves, and block her flow of magic.

"Is that it?" ask Upper while he stared at his useless servant

"You can't use Twilight anymore" said Celestia with her eyes glowing pure white, "I going to make sure YOU'LL NEVER WALK AGAIN"

"Oh....I'm so scared" teased Upper while he started to chuckle, Celestia suddenly pined Upper against the wall. "What now, sun butt? Are you going to banish me?"

"Banishment is too good for you! I'm going to rip you apart!" said Celestia, Celestia hit Upper's head against the wall. Upper suddenly transformed into his real form, a changeling monster by his own kind, a monster with many horns, two disgusting claws, with extremely shape teeth peeking out of Upper's mouth. Celestia back away from this new Upper, Upper smiled the most evil smile, he towered over Celestia by one head with a very deep voice coming out of his mouth.

"So this is your real self" Celestia said, two red eyes pieced into Twilight's soul, a shadow full of hatred approached her.

"Ponies!" a dark voice said, a voice pure evil, the last thing a pony would hear before their lives were taking. "Ponies are such useless creatures! Nothing but food for changelings and you! You princess sun ass Celestia, you can't even protect your own kind, let alone your own flesh and blood!"

"Luna...get Twilight out of here" said Celestia

"Sister...you can't fight him, not alone" said Luna

"Neither of you are escaping! I will kill every single one of you, and add your names to my list" said Upper

"A list? I'm not surprise" Celestia said, Luna secretly picks up Twilight with her magic

"Luna!" shouted Upper, Celestia look behind her, she couldn't believe the speed Upper has. Upper was suddenly next to her sister, who was across the throne room.

"LUNA!" shouted Celestia as she quickly rushed towards her, Upper grab Luna's neck and smashed her against the wall. Upper grab Twilight with his other claw and let Luna go, Luna just collapse onto the ground, she was too injured to help her sister. Upper brought the unconscious Twilight closer, he joyfully examined her.

"UPPER!" Celestia was changing at her; Upper quickly turned around and slaps Celestia in the face.

"Is that all you got? The so call powerful alicorns?" shouted Upper as he squeezed Twilight with his claw

"UPPER!" Celestia lit her horn, Upper just waited for something to happen, he casually look around the throne room.

"Is that it?" chuckle Upper as he extended his claw which held Twilight

"What are you planning?" ask Celestia

"You already know! PRINCESS CELESTIA!" he shouted

Upper held his other claws near Twilight's heart, Celestia quickly rushed towards her daughter, but Upper wasn't going to let the sun princess save her filly. Upper pulled back his claws and pick the perfect spot, Upper trust his claws directly towards Twilight's chest.

"TWILIGHT!" Celestia desperately reach Upper's claw but it was too late, Upper piecred Twilight's chest. Celestia just broke down, Celestia could fell a shape pain on her side but she didn't care, Upper had just killed her daughter, Twilight was dead. Celestia just closed her eyes, full of tears from a destroyed heart.

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