A Day in The Life

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"Heather, good luck, ok?" Michelle Mickelson, one of Heather's longtime coworkers, patted her on the back. "I know you'll get that promotion," she winked.

"God, I hope so," Heather replied, taking a deep breath. "I've been working here for over a year now." She was waiting after her shift to talk to her manager.

"You've got this. Just be open to trying anything. That's how I got my raise," Michelle grinned, putting lipgloss in her purse.

"Yeah, duh, of course."

"You're an excellent worker. If she doesn't give you a raise or status change, I'll be surprised. You're so hot."

"I know," Heather smirked confidently. "I make everything look good."

"See you tomorrow, girl," Michelle waved.

"Bye," Heather said. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her latest Instagram posts. She only used social media to promote clothing and other products from Flatter Allure, the modeling agency where she worked. She tried to keep her life as private as a famous person could.

Her boss, Nicolette, came out of her office. "Heather, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes," Heather nodded, standing up.

"Alright, let's talk," Nicolette gave her a warm smile.

Heather followed her into her office. Bright portraits of fruit took up most of the space on the white walls. Nicolette was an eccentric manager. She always wore giant neon earrings with her outfits. Nicolette wasn't the designer, but Heather found it ironic that she hardly ever wore Flatter Allure's brand. Sometimes, she wondered how Nicolette still had her managerial position.

"So, what did you wanna talk about, Ms. Wilson?" Nicolette started, stirring her tea with a tiny golden spoon.

Heather focused on the stirring as she prepared. "I was wondering—since I've been working here for about a year and a half now—I thought it would be a good time for a raise or promotion."

Nicolette turned up her bright red lips into a wide grin. "I was waiting for you to come to me with that question. I was actually planning to talk to you about it if you never said anything."

Heather let the tension in her shoulders go. Her worst fear was being denied the promotion.

"So Heather," Nicolette began, "I know your dream is to own a modeling agency, and you are doing such a great job working your way up. I have some good and bad news," she frowned. "I'm getting transferred to our agency on the other side of town, so Corporate is looking for someone here to take my place."

Heather sat up straight in her seat, paying close attention.

"This will happen by the beginning of February, so I still have a little over a month here." Nicolette took a sip of her tea. "Now, Corporate will be looking for anyone who's top-notch in every single aspect. I haven't told any of the other models yet because—well, between you and me—I think you have the most potential."

Heather's face lit up. "Really?"

"Yes, really," she beamed. "I'm so excited to see how this agency takes off when I'm gone."

"Ok," Heather let out a breath. This felt surreal. She knew she was good, but she never guessed that she'd be a candidate for a managerial position. "What do I have to do?"

"Not much. When Corporate comes, they'll watch you guys model and ask you questions about the business. I know that you know this place like the back of your hand. You have exceptional leadership skills, and you're such a fantastic model. Like, oh my god, you're so pretty, and you can pull off any outfit."

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