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"You're doing great so far," Geoff smiled at Gwen as they clocked out of work at 3:00 in the morning.

"Damn, I'm usually such a night owl," Gwen yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Working late for a few days in a row at The Night Owl will do that to ya," he smirked. "Especially since today was New Year's Day. This place was PACKED."

"I know," Gwen groaned. "This old guy tried to flirt with me. He told me his New Year's resolution was to start dating again. Apparently, he hasn't gone on a date in over a decade since his last wife." She slid on her plum fur coat and pulled her black purse over her shoulder. "I was thirteen a decade ago."

"Wow," Geoff cackled, following her through the back door. The cold air made his body stiffen.

She glanced at him from over her shoulder, then snickered. "What is it with you and not wearing suitable clothes?"

"I'm always forgetting it's winter when it's winter." He forced a wide grin, shivering. "Once the end of March hits, bam, it's practically Summer."

"So Autumn and Spring are practically nonexistent?"


Gwen smiled while treading through the light snow with her leather combat boots. "I don't know, I kinda like Autumn. Mostly because it's Halloween season, but I also like how the leaves change colors."

"My allergies hate me during that time," Geoff said.

"That's Spring and Summer for me."

Geoff watched Gwen veer off to the right, where her truck was parked. He swallowed nervously. He had planned a later New Year's party for tomorrow night and had already invited everyone except Gwen. He had held it off for so long because he knew she wasn't a big "party person" and didn't want her to decline. Nice going, Geoff. She probably will say no because you waited so long, and now she's got plans!

"I'll see you Monday night, Geoff." Gwen waved before unlocking her car. Her headlights flashed yellow, shining against the cream-colored building.

"—Wa-wait!" He stammered. Gwen turned to look at Geoff before she got to the driver's side. "Would you like to go to a super awesome party tomorrow night at my place?" He scratched his head. "It's kinda like a delayed New Year's party."

Gwen's lips slowly curled into a smile. "Yeah, sure. What time?"

Relief filled Geoff's body. He flashed her a composed smile. "It starts at 6:00. Don't worry; we'll have snacks and pizza for dinner."

"Great. Awesome." Gwen, don't start that again. It's too early for this.

"Yeah, awesome!" Geoff gave her a cheesy thumbs-up.

Gwen laughed softly. "Bye. Just make sure to send me your address."

"Will do!" Geoff fumbled in his pocket for his phone.

"Not now. Do it when you're in your warm car."

"Got it! Haha, got it," he replied sheepishly.

When Gwen shut the car door, her entire body felt hot. It was that same warmth it had felt a little over a week ago when Geoff asked to see her paintings. He's your friend, Gwen, she scolded herself. You've never been into guys like him. You're always into bad boys with a felony record and a taste for danger. She jammed her key in the ignition lock cylinder and started the car. Plus, he's not into girls like me. Suddenly, all the heat left her body, and she felt a shiver down her spine.

Fuck. Who else did he invite?

Gwen scrambled for her phone. She almost called him but decided against it. Geoff seemed really excited about his party, and she didn't want to not show up because of one person. If Duncan's there, you can just ignore him. You've already seen him at the tattoo shop, and you're okay now. She figured she'd just have to deal with it for a few hours. Besides, it's in the past.

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