This was what I felt today after I got home from my moms. I miss her very much already and know im back with the cousins..'sighs'
Freedom is the word,
That you can live your life,
You feel like ur life is free..
But something is still taking that away,
Without us knowing that.
Screw people trying to screw us
I can screw them to, fuck them,
I dont care though, because
I feel unwanted sometimes
So screw them again i can live my life
People dont need to push u around or throw you out of ur own life
People dont need to turn
U into a person your not.
Be yourself spread ur winds
And fly high.
If they keep pushing around
Shake it off and try to move around.
Always be u and enjoy
Ur life.
Smile girls and boys
Keep ur heads up.
I love you guys and love the haters
But never give up keep ur head
High and keep going what u
Had started
-love Kianna Rodriguez
comment what you think about and vote share to people that feel like this, tell them they can talk me i am there for anyone that need help thank u guys