Bonus chapter: Where was Blaise Zabini after Slytherin won the Quidditch match?

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Content warning: This chapter contains aspects of BDSM and reversed power dynamics. If you don't feel comfortable reading about this, just skip this bonus chapter.

"Well played," Urquhart told Blaise Zabini as he patted him on the back. Blaise looked up at his Quidditch team Captain. Urquhart was new, both as a Chaser and as a Captain, and he was clearly still trying to impress everyone.

"Will you be joining us in the common room, Zabini?" he asked. "You're the star of the match."

"Later," Blaise replied as he was tying his shoelaces. Urquhart was getting on his nerves with his exaggerated praising. Yes, he had indeed played well, but the boy was acting like he had just slain a dragon or something.

Urquhart waved goodbye and filed out of the dressing room with the other boys of his team. Finally, Blaise thought.

He stood up, looked in the mirror and adjusted his tie. He knew that there was no need to wear his school uniform on a Saturday, but he liked the way he looked in it. The contrast of the white button-up against his dark skin and the green tie that completed the look. He felt professional and sophisticated in it. 

He smoothed down his hair before he left. Some people called Blaise vain. He didn't care. He could control the way he looked. He couldn't control other people's opinions of him. He could look put together on the outside, while feeling like he was falling apart on the inside.

He passed by the other dressing rooms and noticed that the door to the Gryffindor girls room stood ajar. He couldn't help but peek inside. What he saw made him stop dead in his tracks.

Ginny Weasley was dressing herself facing the door, her body half naked. Blaise took in the curve of her breasts and her long red hair cascading over her shoulders. Such a shame she's a blood traitor, he thought. Such a shame she likes Potter.

"Nice rack, Weasley!" he called out to her. Ginny flinched. She hadn't noticed him before. Blaise grinned devilishly. "If only your game was as fine as your boobs."

To his surprise Ginny didn't cover herself up. Instead she grinned back at him. "Since you play so well, Zabini, then why don't you come in and show me how to chase?" She lingered on that last word as if she were tasting it.

Blaise thought he must have misunderstood her, but his feet were already carrying him inside.

"Colloportus," Ginny said and as she waved her wand the door to the dressing room closed behind Blaise.

He looked from the door to Ginny who still stood there with just a skirt on. Was he dreaming? This couldn't be happening, right? Sure, he had fantasized about Ginny Weasley numerous times since his fifth year at Hogwarts. Suddenly that little shy girl had become a confident and brave woman. And now that they were both in the Slug Club this year, he found himself looking forward to seeing her bright eyes and red hair at the table.

But he never would have thought that his fantasies might become reality.

Ginny strode towards him. Suddenly she stood right in front of him and his fingers twitched, aching to touch her soft-looking skin.

"Not so much of a smooth talker now, are we Zabini?" she said with a smirk on her pretty face.

"Ginny, I -" Blaise started but she interrupted him by putting her fingers against his lips. 

She stood on her tiptoes so she could whisper in his ear: "I've seen you ogling me, Zabini. I know you want me." Her warm breath tickled his ear and Blaise blushed at her words.  Had it been that obvious?

Then, Ginny took his hand and placed it on her breast. "I know you want this," she whispered, smirking at his flushed cheeks.

Blaise burned with desire as he kneaded her breast and his other hand moved to Ginny's waist.

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