Jealousy || Jotakak

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When Jotaro and the rest of the crusaders begin their travels throughout the world on their hunt for Dio, they had met many different and interesting people. They had experienced so many different cultures and had seen in some pretty breathtaking sights.

Or at least, hose were the positive thoughts that Jotaro repeated in his head as he watched Kakyoin yet again be swarmed by a crowd in some small town in the Middle East. Not that Jotaro really cared where they were, as long as they were getting closer to Cairo.

It wasn't often that a tall, handsome foreigner with bright red hair like Kakyoin's showed up. It was only natural they wanted to marry off their daughters to him or something. Jotaro figured it was so they could sell their babies to snag some cash.

The rest of the group was used to this occurrence, and Kakyoin usually managed to break away after a while. But this time seemed to be a bit different. Instead of being a group of desperate mothers, it seemed to be made up more of men. Like insanely jacked men. They were all holding up large bags of money, and Jotaro was lost as to why.

He couldn't understand the language they were yelling in, and the noisy street made it even harder to make out what was being said.

"Kakyoin! Hurry up and get out of there! We still have to make it to Cairo!" Joseph shouted, looking up from the map he had buried his nose in.

"Agh! I'm trying Mr. Joestar! But there's too many of them! It wouldn't be a good idea to use Hierophant!" Kakyoin yelled in response.

Something in Jotaro's gut twisted uncomfortably at the sight of his friend being thrown around like some object. He wasn't quite sure why he was so angry about this, but he knew he needed to do something.

The rest of the group took this as a sign to intervene, pushing past the crowd to get to their friend. These guys were big, but fell aside easily when pushed. Soon enough, Jotaro had made it to Kakyoin. He had tried grabbing Kakyoin by the hand, but he was quickly dragged away by the horde. When Jotaro, had reached him a second time, he simply picked him up and carried him out by his arms. Kakyoin was completely flabbergasted.

"Jotaro? Hey, put me down!" Kakyoin yelled in protest. Jotaro ignored him and even repositioned him to bridal style. Kakyoin's face flushed a bright red, matching his hair.

When Jotaro set him down in front of their group, they all had a look of shock on their faces. Even Iggy was surprised.

"Wow, Jotaro. I knew you were a bit of an odd one but I didn't know you swung that way!" Polnareff teased. This only caused Kakyoin to blush brighter red. "Oh shut up. If i didn't intervene, Kakyoin would've been taken by those bastards." Jotaro retorted.

In truth, if the rest of the group wasn't there, Jotaro would have taken out Star Platinum and beat them all to bloody messes. They should pay the price for touching something that wasn't theirs.

Jotaro pushed that thought down. He did not like Kakyoin that way.

The men realized they shouldn't linger, as the mob was beginning to approach again. This time, they've seemed to have marked their prices up even higher holding up much larger bags, and coins flew in every direction. Now Jotaro was starting to get pissed.

His eye began to twitch when a coin hit him directly in the forehead. Now he was starting to get pissed.

As the group tried to distance themselves, they had all begin to get caught up in the mob. It seemed some of them had an interest in Polnareff, too. His hair was certainly unique.

He let out a shriek when a man grabbed his hair. "Get away you dirty bastard! Hey, watch the hair!" He, also, was very tempted to use his stand.

This was starting to get annoying. Jotaro had now lifted Kakyoin onto his shoulders, said man holding on for dear life. Jotaro wasn't exactly short. He began pushing and punching the mob away, but they only seemed to keep coming back, no matter how hard he tried. He hadn't considered the possibility until now, but could this be the work of a stand?

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