Max | Diapered

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Dares and Diapers #1
Max | Chapter 2

In their room, Max and his friends can't still contemplate Lucas' solution. Yet, the three of them seem to accept their fate and wait for the supplies.

It was now Saturday morning and Lucas appeared from the other end of the door. Upon opening it, Max was greeted by the tenant with adult-sized diapers.

Receiving the supplies, Lucas then pulls a dominant smile. Returning to the sofa, Max and his friends observe the diapers. It was a commercial one that Lucas probably purchased from the nearby convenience store. It's in the size small which would fit the boys just fine.

"What now?" Carl asked.

"I guess we should put it on a test," Greg bluntly replied. He then grabbed one and head over to the bathroom.

Upon closing the bathroom door, Greg appeared with just a diaper on. "The diaper feels like regular underwear but it's more constraining."

Max laughed but he knew that he also need to put one on. With only nine pieces left, Max grabbed one, and just like Greg, he changed inside the restroom.

After some time, he gets out of the bathroom with a diaper on and a t-shirt covering his upper body.

With his friends in diapers, Carl was left with no options but to join them. But unlike Max and Greg, he covers the diaper with boxers.

"Yo, why so conservative?" Max exclaimed. This earns Greg's laugh but Carl remains to be intrigued with the new thing across his crotch.

Max | Dares and Diapers #1Where stories live. Discover now