Moving Day

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I have always been a quiet girl. I never fought with my parents and never talked back. I often got distracted by studies, books, or lost in my own world, daydreaming.

I like to daydream a lot. It keeps me safe and sound away from all the noise and fighting.

Today my parents and two sisters and I are moving to Texas, why are we moving? That's a great question..well mom got a new job and dad he cheated on our mom a few months back. She's said she forgave him but they still fight about it. There are three of us, my sister Alex is the middle child and no she isn't often forgotten it's hard to forget she's here. Our sister Melody is the baby and then there is me, I'm Harmony, I'm the oldest.

No one was happy about our move and the entire time we were in the car we all fought about it. Mom had enough of it and dad started drinking thirty minutes into the drive. Dad's not a real bad drinker I believe he uses it to escape the world how I use daydreaming. With dad drinking that leaves mom to house chores and work, my sister and I help mom when we can, but mom understands that we also have stuff going on in our own lives and she wants us to have fun. It finally became quiet in the car and dad fell asleep. Alex had headphones humming to the tune, Melody was asleep in her carseat, And I was daydreaming...I wanted to know what our house would be like and all the other people there. What I would wear on my first day of school and if I would even make it through the day. Then I started to worry, I do that a lot and mom noticed and looked at me through the rearview mirror and smiled and mouthed to me that i'll be fine, for that  small moment I felt peaceful.

After at least three hours we finally reached our new house, Melody had just woken up and was crying for a bottle and dad was complaining because she was crying, Alex was asleep at this point. Mom got Melody out of the car and I handed her Melodys diaper bag and woke Alex up. Dad got out and slammed the door. Alex and I grabbed a few bags out of the back and took them inside. When I got inside I couldn't believe my eyes. How did mom afford this house? Dad couldn't hold a job so I know it wasn't him that helped. Mom interrupted my thoughts by giving me Melody and said your rooms are upstairs on the left side of the hall, I nodded in agreement because like I said I don't talk back. I look at Alex and she grabs as many bags as she can and follows me up the stairs. Alex and Melodys  names are painted on the doors in their  favorite color but I didn't see my name anywhere. The house was pretty much already set up, we just needed to unpack everything, Melody was still crying so I asked Alex to rock her while I went and made a bottle for her. When I went down the stairs I could already hear it..the fighting, I put my head down and put water in Melodys bottle and put it in the microwave. All I could hear was how dad wanted to know how mom could afford this house. She told him it was none of his damn business. It really wasn't I mean he wasn't the one that helped pay for it she did it on her own and how she did I don't even know.  I tried to stop the microwave before the timer went off, but I didn't get there in time and now they knew I was down there, mom looked at me and dad did too, he walked towards me and said Harmony do you think its fair your mom won't tell me how she paid for this house all on her own? I just started into his deep green eyes just like mine and turned to my mom and he finally dropped his stare and I walked off, they went back at it again assuming that's I was gone. I was halfway up the stairs when I decided to walk back down and say something, I walked around the corner and said hey dad and the look he gave me said what? And I looked him straight in the eyes and asked him if he could keep it down because I'm trying to put a baby to sleep upstairs.

He wasn't too happy with what I said but I was gone before he could say anything. I took Melody from Alex and told her to go get some sleep even though I knew she wouldn't because I know if I could hear them fighting she could too. I was up till about eleven that night fighting with Melody to sleep, then mom finally came in and took her and told me she was sorry for handing her off like that. I didn't mind when she did because most of the time it was because they were fighting, mom worked from home and so she was with Melody most of the time anyways and she deserves a break too. She gave me a hug and said that dad was already in bed and she would take over here and to get some sleep, that was when I laughed a little and said its okay if you forgot about me again and she looked at me confused and I told her my name wasn't on any doors up here and she says I know your room is downstairs. I gave you a bigger room with a big window so that you can see the sun rise and set. My mom knew me well and for that I thanked her and told her goodnight. Before I even went to my room I went back out to the car and grabbed my bags. That's when a truck drove by and slowed down when they saw me and it kinda freaked me out so I went back inside. I finally found my room after walking down twenty halls. It seemed like she wasn't lying. There was a huge window and a place for me to sit by it. The first thing I ever did was sit by the window and I didn't hear any loud fighting, not even the AC. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep and so I cleaned and got my room situated, I opened my window and put on some music and started cleaning and was lost in my own world. Everything was good and quiet until I had turned around and there was someone in my room, I almost screamed.  He told me to be quiet and put a finger to his mouth. I stared at him like he was crazy for what felt like forever  and then he said he wasn't going to hurt me and me being me I told him that this was how every serial killer movie started. I moved for the door but he was faster than I was, he said let me explain. Don't ask me why I let a random guy stay in my room and explain something to me and don't even ask me why I had my window open. We were in a gated community and mom said the neighborhood was safe.

I backed away from the door and told him to lock it and now he was looking at me like I was crazy. He finally backed away from the door and I sat in the window and said okay get talking you have five minutes and he smiled and said I'm not here to hurt you, I saw you earlier when you were out by the car. He continued and I had to talk to you because I had never seen you before and those eyes are hard to forget. I looked at him and was already falling for him, but he was a stranger and I couldn't let him know that. I took a deep breath and said, "Can I explain something? He nodded. I got up and said well for one you're a stranger standing in my room at two in the morning why didn't you just stop earlier when you saw me? He went to talk but I cut him off and it was way too dark outside to see what color my eyes are so that was a bad pick up line and he laughed.

I'm not a bad guy he said and smiled and that smile got to me, I turned so he couldn't see my smile. He kept talking also you're the one who had your window open and what if I had been a serial killer? I could hear him getting closer, I turned back around and he was right there and I stared into his deep brown eyes and then again my thoughts and time with whoever this boy was interrupted, I heard Melody crying and rushed him to the window and said you have to go and don't come back. He looked at me and said can I know what your name is and I said no and shut the window and he smiled at me and walked off. I made sure I locked it because yes I did want him to come back, but like I said stranger. I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed Melody before her cries got louder. She stopped as soon as I picked her up  and took her back to my room as we both drifted off to sleep. I realized I have school tomorrow.

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