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For the next four hours I slept as mom and Alex both kept checking me. Mom would switch out my ice packs and Alex would just make sure I was still breathing. Around five I woke up and yelled for mom and she didnt come but dad did and I yelled at him and told him to get out. He didn't listen very well and then Alex yelled from down the hall if you dont leave her alone i'm calling mom, he left and then Alex and Melody were in my room sitting on my bed. I asked where mom went and she said to the store to pick up dinner. The rest of the night was pretty boring. I ate dinner in my room with Alex. Melody was asleep, dad left the house while mom was cooking and said that he was going to the bar and still hasn't come back, mom was in her office. 

Alex finally left my room around eleven twenty and said she was tired and with that I asked her to run me a bath and help me first I told her I could get out on my own and I was going to be in here for awhile. She helped me get in the bath and shut and locked my door on the way out. It was finally quiet and I was alone, as I was laying in the warm bubbly water I started to daydream about Greyson and how smooth his skin looked and how his eyes sparkled. I was in the bath for about an hour when I decided to get out. I dried off and wrapped myself in a towel and stumbled to my bedroom. When I got to my room it was eleven forty five, I thought to myself maybe he went home. Well I was wrong he waited because when I went to get my clothes out  I heard a knock on the window. I ran over and locked my door and opened my window. Oh my gosh what are you wearing he said I literally just got out of the bath I replied and he turned around and said get dressed. I sat on my bed and said no, does this bother you Greyson? He turned to me and said no but I wanted to take you somewhere. I sat there and looked at him like he was dumb because I just rolled my ankle. He said come on, no I say and he looks disappointed and then I say but i'll give you my number and we can plan something. He smiles and says can you get dressed and we can watch tv or something and I say yea and he turns around. 

I grabbed some shorts and a T-shirt and then laid down and he sat in the window seat. I asked what he wanted to watch and he said whatever you want and so I put on a random movie and slowly started to fall asleep. When I woke up in the middle of the night he was gone but there was a sticky note on my phone that had his number on it. I didn't bother and went back to sleep, I got to sleep in because it was Friday and that's what me and mom agreed to. When I did wake up it was from mom telling me she was leaving to take Alex to school and that she was taking Melody with her. She asked how I felt and I said a little better and that I should be okay. She smiled and said alright and told me to rest, I didn't want to rest though so I texted Greyson and seen how school was and he said boring and that he had a feeling he would be leaving soon, I told him I was sorry for whatever the reason was that he was leaving this time. He told me not to worry and that he had to go because he had to run again. He told me to text him later and that he would bring me the homework from classes. He was so sweet. I did end up falling back to sleep and mom didn't wake me when she got back she probably had work to do. Around three I woke up to a phone call from Greyson and asked if he was okay and he said yeah and that he was about to pull up but couldn't stay long and then I heard my mom and dad yelling. I told him to park down the street and meet me at the window and he said okay. He came to my window and handed me the papers and said I really have to go and I quickly said me too, and shut the window. I heard mom screaming and Melody crying so I gathered all my strength and walked on my ankle. I came out and started towards the kitchen and told mom to give me Melody and she said no go to your room. Dad was angry more than usual and he told mom to give me the baby and to finish their conversation. I walked back to my room and listened closely to what they were fighting about. All I could hear mom say was where were you last night and he said he wasn't telling her until she told him how she paid for this house finally dad stopped and left again.  

I heard mom walk up stairs and close one of the bedroom doors, I stood up and went back to the kitchen and grabbed some water and texted Greyson that I wanted to leave the house and he said that I needed to rest. I didn't want to rest, I wanted to go out and do something. I forced myself to walk up the stairs and told mom I was feeling better and that if I could take the car to the school to go pick up a friend. She told me she didn't mind just to be safe, I also asked if Greyson could come over and she said she didn't mind as long as I kept my door open. She handed me the keys and I put on some shorts and some shoes and then once I got to the school I called the office saying that I was Greysons mom and was checking him out and then texted him so he would play along. He came out and got in the car and we just sat there and he said so you're feeling better? I laughed and said not exactly but I was bored. He just stared at me and I asked where he wanted to go and he said the lake, I have no idea where that is Greyson  and he smiled and said I know it looks like we're taking my truck. I didn't like the idea but I didn't hate it either. I texted my mom and told her what was happening and she said to go take the keys to Alex and she can drive home.  I turned my mom's car off and told Alex to come out and get the keys from me. Then I got out and he helped me into his truck and we started to drive to the pond.  He laughed out of nowhere and said you know, if you wanted to see me that bad you could have just said that, I rolled my eyes and replied with this may make me sound like a loser but you're my only friend here. 

He dropped his smile as if my words had hurt him, now he knew how it felt when he left me the other night. I asked how long the drive was and he said about an hour and so I texted my mom and told her I was safe but she didn't answer she was probably working. I leaned my head against the window and was thinking how mom doesn't ever talk about her new job and wondered what it could be and she had to have been making a lot of money…Greyson interrupted my thoughts by asking a question I didn't like answering. What those scars on your leg he asked and my eyes shot down to a few scars, I was a rough kid and pointed to one that had happened when I was five and fell off my bike and then showed him the one on my eye that you can barely see and told him that happened when i fell on a glass table. Damn you got lucky he said but those aren't the scars im talking about and without taking his eyes off the road he pointed to my thigh. I knew from the beginning what scars he was talking about. I just didn't want to talk about them, I knew what they were and he did too or wouldn't have asked. I didn't say anything and he understood but he kept pushing, are they new he asked and I looked down and my thighs. No they aren't I say with a change in my voice, he looks into my eyes for a split second and then takes his hand and places it on my thigh. I felt my body tense up and I felt my face go warm, this never happens to me. I don't know how to react and so I just smile and what he says makes me want to cry. 

Harmony your skin is beautiful don't cut it, all I did was nod because that's where he was wrong they weren't cuts… they were burn marks. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet and then we stopped and got some snacks and kept driving. About five minutes after our stop we arrived at the lake, he helped me out and we went and sat on the dock and put our feet in the water. After staring into the water for a while I laid my head on his shoulder and said burn marks and he looked at me and said what, the marks on my thighs are burn marks there are even some on my sides. I lower my head thinking he is mad, all he does is hold me. This was weird but nice at the same time and all for a minute everything is good then I get a text from Alex, Hey you need to get home there has been an accident. I re-read the message like ten times and started to freak out. Greyson understood and we drove back to the city, when we got to my house there were no cops or ambulances. So what had happened? I told Greyson to come in but he said it wasn't a good idea and he would see me later and I knew what that meant. I smiled and said okay i'll leave my window unlocked and he laughed. I got out and tried to run inside and when I got there dad was on the floor and mom was sitting on the couch with a black eye. I didn't know what to say my mind was blank, I went over to my mom first and asked what had happen and she told me that dad found out what she does for work and I didnt want to know but she told me anyways and she told me and Alex that she has an only fans and that's how she makes all this money to buy a new house and new clothes. I didn't believe her but then she showed us because were her daughter and we wouldn't love or see her differently because of it. All it was were pictures of her in the mirror or in lingerie, I asked mom how this all happened and she said that she was working and was on a video call and that they paid extra for those and she guessed that she forgot to lock the door and dad walked in and she was in lingerie. Alex started talking and said that when she got home dad was hitting mom and so she hit him in the head with a plate from the kitchen. I looked at dad and he was breathing and there was no blood, I looked back at them and said mom what do you want to do? It's your call. She looked at us and then at dad and said just leave him there and go to your rooms. I'll handle it, and we did go to our rooms. We believed our mom was strong enough to do this on her own. I texted Greyson when I got to my room and asked him when he was dropping by and he said shortly. I smiled at his message but why? Why did I smile? I knew I was falling for him but I didn't want to give into it. I ended up watching tv and almost falling asleep so I went and took a shower. My ankle was feeling better. I could stand and walk but it just hurt if I put too much weight on it. Greyson still hadnt came by and it was ten thirty so I went to sleep. I was a little disappointed. I got woken up to Greyson tapping me and when I asked him what time it was he said two in the morning. What are you doing here I asked and he told me he just needed me, I felt butterflies rise in my stomach. He needed me? I shook the thought away and asked if he was okay and I heard him let out a cry and he fell into my arms. When he could, he finally spoke and I listened to every word he said. His mom and dad got into it again and he was too tired to try and stop it so he left while they were fighting. He felt bad for his mom because his dad is abusive. 

I understood a lot of what he just said but I could never leave, we laid in my bed together and I laid right next to him as close as he needed me to be as my heart beat matched his i felt this pulling at my heart…I was in love with him and I was praying that he felt the same way. We ended up falling asleep in eachothers arms, when the sun came he left and woke me this time and gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me that he wished this feeling could last forever. 

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