Chapter -1 | Meeting you |

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Forth side:

    Forth Arasol corporation CEO. With one glare he rule his corporation.   handsome prince along with  punctual,scary. He is perfectionist..need everything should in order and correct. Can't bare even small mistake. Everyone in his office fear about his whole company only two people got close to him. One his friend Beam..another one his crush.. secretory Mingwan..thinking about ming only smile appear in his scary expressive face.

   As usual Forth came to office today...something missing.. making Forth irritation.

   "YOU THINK THIS IS REPORT?... YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO MAKE MY SCHEDULE FOR DAY?.. IAM RAISING SUCH A IDIOTS"Forth shout at that employ. It's annoying...his employ don't even able to formulate his schedule. With irritation he sip coffee.. immediately spit out"SHIT...TOO SUGAR.."

    Beam who just came rushes to Forth and gave his phone to Forth..he already dailed ming number.

   "Please ming don't hate me.."beam feel guilty for ming.


Ming side:

   In other side our Ming sleeping peacefully..with phone call his sleep distrub..with irritation he lift phone call with out seeing caller id.

   ".... Hmm...hello.."ming said sleepy.

   ".. Mingwan "

   His sleepiness gone..just hearing his boss voice.. in whole world only his boss called him as mingwan "why the hell he called me?"he cursed in heart.

   cleared his throat he said"... good morning sir"

   "You took leave today . Is your health ok now?"Forth asked with concern.

   Our human nature..if ask someone  how are we?. Immediately our toung slip as obviously..

   "Yes I'm ok..thank you for asking"ming said with smile.

   "You ok now come to office"Forth said simply.. makig ming feel horror.

   "Come to office's one hour journy from your house to office right...come..i am waiting for you"Forth cut his call.

   Ming staral with that. "My journy only take half an hour..but now i am in my night ware.. you damn idiot"Ming cursed frustratedly.


  He literally running after he hop out from taxi. Due to his clumsiness he kick one flower pot."ohh...shh.."with pain only he runnig.

   His bad luck lift also just left to upper floor..he dont have chance then to climb up stairs. With Tired with of sweat he finally reach his destination....his boss room. He took long breaths to calm down. Took hand  kerchief. After he look ok...he Borrow one bright sme and enter into room.

   Seeing ming forth smile.."you are 10 minuts late mingwan"

   With his plastic smile he appolise.

   "Coffee"Forth said.

   Ming left his significant smile to prepare coffee for him... Today is his unlucky day as daily. Insted of sleeping in his room now he is preparing coffee for his evil boss.

   Forth love ming smile.. how much tension he feel all gone once he saw ming butiful face..


    "Insted of coffee powder i should use pesticide powder... Atleast i can escape from that evil boss"cursing his boss he prepare coffee.


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