My Selfish

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Fire spreads around the burning ruins of a once peaceful home. The person in the middle laughs in sick joy as another cries in front of them, legs clearly injured as they sat up on the floor.

"Why? Why do this?" The person crying sobs as they watch the person they perceive as a pyscho only continues to laugh harder as tears of blood and gold runs down their cheeks.

The hysterical laughter of the person in front of them quiets down into giggles, blood and gold still spilling from their eyes, "Do I need a reason to?". They started to giggle more as they went back into hysterical laughter.

The laughter continues for what feels like forever as the injured victim does nothing but watch in horror as the flames rise higher as the laughter gets more hysterical. The fire, getting more and more chaotic along with it. The victim can feel their back burning as their clothes slowly burn into their skin.

The victim closes their eyes as they wait to be engulfed in flames. However, as they do, the world goes quiet. No hysterical laughter, no crackling of flames. Not even the sound of giggles or the wind. The victim feels the once growing heat on their back disappear.

Confused, they opened their eyes. What greeted them was the person in front of them, head down, not a trace of any previous twisted joy on their face.

The silence stretched on. They didn't know why, but the silence scared them far worse than the previous manic laughter.

Just before the stunned victim decides to try and talk again, a broken voice fills the air. "Do I need a reason to?"

The victim watches as the person in front of them clenches their fists for just a moment before releasing them again.

"You never needed a reason." The broken voice continued. "All you did was take. Never a moment of hesitation."

As the voice talked, the fire spreads once more. Pieces of the fire float to the space between both of them. Taking the form of two human figures. One figure green, the other, magenta.

The magenta figure held a small ball of orange flame in their hands before the green figure moves and absorbs the ball, making it a part of the figure.

The magenta flame's figure reaches out to the green only for the green figure's flame to rise, overpowering the magenta.

The magenta pulls away, seemingly hurt.

The broken voice continues as the flames disappear. "I couldn't do anything about it. And even when I tried to confront you about it..."

The flames once again appear. But this time there were two new figures, both being the colour silver.

The magenta flame looks to be communicating with the green figure.

Midway through the supposed conversation, the magenta flame turns to the silver figures and gestures towards the green.

One of the silver figures turned away while the other looks at the green figure.

Green flame slumps and looks up at the silver figure before looking back down.

The silver figure looks back at the magenta figure, almost as if giving it a disappointed look. Before gesturing to the green flame, as if lecturing the magenta figure.

The magenta figure moves as if surprised or offended at the silver.

The silver's flame rises like how the green figure had before.

"They berated me, ignored me..."

The figures faded aside from the magenta figure. Although, its flame was now dimmer.

"The called me *selfish*." As the word "selfish" was said, the figure turned orange. The tips of its flame, dark green.

"So naturally, I listened." The flames surrounding the two people rise higher.

"I learned."

The figure begins to shift.

"I followed."

The figure floats towards the maniac in front of the victim.

"I turned."

The figure embraces the maniac as said maniac absorbs the flame.

"I became exactly who wanted me to be."

The flame starts to surround the victim. Scaring them.

The victim turns to the maniac and pleads, "W-wait."

The flames start turning blue as the flames continue sticking to them. Their pleas turn even more frantic.  "Please!"

The maniac looks at their victim with a sad smile on their face.

"Things could have been so different..." their broken voice breaks through the victim's pleads as they start walking towards said victim.

"But this is the only choice you gave me."

They chuckle.

"It's my turn to be selfish once more."

The chuckle turns into giddy giggles as the victim's pleads turn into pained screams as their skin starts to melt.

"This is my victory."

Giggles turn into laughter as the victim's screams go quiet.

"This is my selfish ending!"

Their laughter quiets down as the flames die down. Now revealing a black, burnt skeleton on the ground.

"My selfish..."

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