Finally Free

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Alejandro's pov

After the bomb exploded and Mischa checked up on all of us, I was going to get up to head to her when some men came out of the stairway and tied us up, since we were still weak from the explosion we couldn't go against them and they ended up taking us.

We could hear Mischa through the ear pieces screaming for us, Nikolay was in trouble and we couldn't answer because they had put tap on our mouths, it hurt me to hear her scream in pain, and I could tell the others wanted to help them too, "no!" she yelled suddenly and I could tell we were too late, she started crying, I wish I could be there with her, I couldn't imagine losing Rudy, I could just imagine how she feels.

After a few minutes her crying stopped and it was silent, Viktor came up to Soap "i'll only ask once" he said as he pointed a gun to Ghost "is she still alive?" he questioned, Soap nodded, Viktor smirked and got on the intercom "Mischa seems like you are missing your team huh, come to the last floor I want to see if it's true you are still alive love" he said as he came stood in front of us waiting for Mischa.

After a few minutes she kicked opened the door, she was alone "ah love, I see you are still are strong as always, nice to see you" he told her with a smile "
"I can't say the same" she replied "Nikolay isn't here with you, I suppose he is gone" he said and her face squinted and he knew he was gone "oh love, you always seem to be losing people ironic isn't?" he said and she pulled out her knife, put her gun on the floor "come on pretty boy just me and you" she said as she took off her gear and her bullet proof vest "you against my boys first love, though I know they are nothing against you " he said with a smirk as they approached her as worried as I was I was also excited to see her in hand and hand combat as a skilled assassin.

I couldn't read her, she wasn't showing any emotion, her usual light in her eye was gone, she looked between the three men that started closing in on her, suddenly one of them tried to grab her by her hair as another tried to grab her arm, she quickly stabbed the one on her left in his neck, used her elbow to hit the one on the right on his face causing him to bring his hands to his now broken nose while she pulled out her knife from the other guys throat the guy in front of her tackled her to the ground, in a swift movement she brought her arm around and hit him with her elbow in his face repetitively until he let go, once he did, she got on his back, grabbed his hair, and sliced his throat, we could hear him choking on his blood as she laughed "it's a pity you didn't train them well" she said as she got up turning to the last guy as snapped his neck "well, if I had known you were still alive I would have dear" he said with a chuckle as he got closer to her " i'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise" she said as he got closer and stopped as he looked at her in confusion "you probably don't remember but I was really serious about us getting married and leaving the military" she said as she threw a punch at him as he was clearly off guard "I trusted you!" she yelled "and yet you held no regard for my feelings" she said with anger laced through her voice as she held up her knife "I will kill you with no regret or second thought as you did to my sister so any last thing you have to say, say it now" she said as he composed himself "then my last words, I love you Mischa" he said " you're determined to die with a lie on your lips?!" she asked as she grabbed him and stabbed him in his stomach "I... love you Mischa" "oh god" she said as she grabbed his body as his legs got weak and he lost balance "I won't let you have a peaceful death" she told him "I know dear, I forgive you" he said as she put him on the ground and came to us and started to cut the ropes we were finally free.

Our walk down the building was silent we were unsure how to break the silence, we were tired, hungry but most of all we knew that Nikolays death was heavily on Mischa's mind, once we got outside the building Mischa started walking to the side of the building "Mischa?" I spoke she continued walking "wait up for us" said Soap as he started walking with her and we followed "I wasn't able to bury my sister but i'll give him a proper funeral" she said as we approached his body, she got on her knees and took off her gloves "oh Nikolay, I'm sorry I couldn't save you" she said as she touched his face, tears started running down her face, she hadn't been able to mourn him, and she still wouldn't be able to, we had stopped Viktor but now we had to find whoever was giving him the guns, we helped her bring the body to the base, once there she said she would be heading to the funeral home to make preparations for his funeral.

The funeral was that same day since she knew that we still had a mission to finish, a lot of people from the town went and gave their condolences to Mischa, seemed as though she didn't want to let them see her fall apart, once everyone left and he was buried she just stood over his tomb, I came up behind her, turned her around and hugged her, at first she did nothing but she gave in and hugged me back, putting her face in my chest and cried until she couldn't cry no more.

Ella es mi futuro~ Alejandro Vargas x OC Where stories live. Discover now