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The night before Allison died...

Allisons POV:

Hi my name is Allison, But you can call me Ali. I have 4 best friends. Spencer, Emily, Aria, and Hannah. I have known them for a long time. If I tell you a secret you can't tell anyone ok? ok. Those 4 girls have a suprise coming for them. I can't tell you what though. Anyways yesterday i came home from vacation. I was just visiting some family. Well I am heading to sleep now. I will talk to you later.

I turned off my camera and headed to bed. I then heard something on my window. I looked outside and saw a person outside throwing rocks at my window. I opened my window and yelled "Jason! What are you doing!" The person then ran away. 'What ever' I thought. It was probably just some idiots playing pranks or something.

When I woke up this morning my window was shattered. I saw a giant rock on my bedroom floor. It had a sticky note on it. It said "Better watch your back -A." Who is A? I thought. 'Probably just some stupid prank.' I thought. I walked downstairs to get something to eat. Then the phone rang. I answered it

"Hello?" I said. "You have 1 minute to get out." The person said. I didn't move. I sat in the house and started panicking. I couldn't go outside and someone might shoot me but if i stay in here i could get hurt. I decided the best decision was to go outside. I dropped my phone in the kitchen. I went to go back and get it and then someone grabbed my mouth and pulled me into a closet. I was screaming but no one could hear me because my mouth was covered.

The person had ducked taped my mouth shut and tied my hands together. I was stuck in the closet. Hours had gone by. No one had come for me. Finally someone had come. They were in a dark hoody and were wearing gloves. I couldn't see there face. Then all of a sudden they grab me and take me to there car. They put me in the trunk. It felt like i was in there forever.

I was tossed and turned. It was very hot and dark in there. I looked to my left and saw eyes. I started to scream. It was a body! A dead body! Are they going to kill me? I started freaking out even more then i already was. Then they finally opened the trunk. The person grabbed me and took me into another closet. They sat me in a chair. They took the tape off my mouth. Who are you! I screamed. Then I heard what sounded like a voice recorder. It started talking to me. "SHUT UP!" it said

They took out a gun. I then was quiet. They waked out and shut the door. I stood up and walked to the door and tried to open it. It was locked. I listened to the people talking. It sounded like 4 maybe 5 of them. I dont really know how many. Then I screamed "I know who you are!" They all rushed in. One took off his hoodie. The other held a gun up. Another held a knife. "She knows to much" One of them said. I know who they were! It was so scary.

I started screaming. "I know who you are...." They shot me before i could finish my sentence. All I can remember is laying there on the ground with my heart barley pounding. I saw them walking around and starring at me. I felt them dragging me across the floor. I was now dead. No sign of life in me, at all.

A/N: Thank you for reading my first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! It is based off of PLL. If you have any suggestions just comment down below! Make sure you follow me!. Also vote this book! It will get more interesting I promise! ILYSM

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