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13 February 2016

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13 February 2016

"Aight ma, the same ice cream place we first met in person, I wanted to take you here to have a proper date type thing since we ain't have a good time here." Von explained as he parked the car.

"Aw V, don't make me emotional." Alyssa whined with a small pout.

"You just sensitive ma." He said smiling.

"But let's go in ma, two places to go to after this." He said excitedly.

"Must be really nice if you smiling like a child." Lyssa said making him suck his teeth as he got out the car.

Alyssa snickered to herself as he made his way over to her side.

"Mmcht don't be laughing to yoself." He said after opening the door for her.

"It's just funny how the smallest thing can piss you off." She said giggling at she stepped out the car.

"Don't make me throw yo ass back in this car." He threatened making her laugh.

"You too funny." She said patting his back as he locked the car.

"I ain't finna buy you shit if you keep playing with me ma." He warned side eyeing her as he held the door open for her.

"Not good to lie Vonny boy." She teased walking up to the front.

"Aight lemme get-"

"Boy, excuse his manners, good morning, we would like two Oreo ice cream tubs please." Alyssa said smiling at the middle aged woman.

"Good morning, no problem, that would be $20." The woman said returning the smile.

"Take." Von said throwing a $20 bill at her.

"Ah- here's a 20 dollar tip as well for his behaviour." Alyssa said shocked but also not surprised.

"Day-von, where is your manners, it's like you want me to treat you like a child when you are the adult here." She said crossing her arms as she pulled him to the side.

"I'm sorry mama, I'll behave na." He apologized slightly pouting.

"You better, otherwise you finna take me home and you will sleep in your own bed, I do not take disrespect lightly especially to older people." She warned pointing at him.

"Yes ma, I'm sorry, I'll learn mama." He said dodging her eyes as he fell nervous.

"Mhm, now I want you to apologize and properly." She said grabbing his hand and walking back over to the counter.

"Here you go." The woman said sending a smile their way as she placed their ice cream tubs on the counter.

"Thank you, and my friend here has something to say." Alyssa said eyeing Von.

"I'm sorry for being disrespectful, it's wrong of me especially cause you older, that's the best apology I can do, I'm not very good at that shit." He said trying his best to hold eye contact with the woman.

"It's okay baby, don't stress it." She said smiling at him.

"Thank you, have a good day." Alyssa said smiling at her, grabbing the ice cream and walking out the shop with Von following behind her.

"Did I do good with my apology ma?" He questioned once they got into the car.

"Because I can tell you really meant it, yes you did." She said nodding her head.

Von smiled proudly as he started up the car.

He didn't know what had happened but she made it happen.

Alyssa looked over at Von and couldn't help the smile that spread across her face.

She knew he was really trying for her.

She was proud of him for that.

Maybe she just needed to give him a push.

Sooner or later we might find a whole lot of progress in him.

She was also proud of herself for still deciding to stay with him.

Who knows what would have become of him if she had decided she was really done.

Or what would have become of her...

~My Stalker~

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Not Alyssa having to play mommy to Von😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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