ava♡ part 20

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Avas pov~
It was nice and warm. Is this what being dead feels like? Cause it feels good as hell. I was comfortable and I felt peacefull, atleast the guy killed me quickly. I saw a light and I ran towards it.

Somehow opening my eyes.

Wtf God? Seriously????

Anyways I opened my eyes and the sun was shining right into my eyes, I sat up and rubbed my eyes looking at where I was sleeping. And I saw leif.




I jumped on him waking him up quickly and I hugged him as tight as I could. He tensed up " omg you don't know how much I missed you! Omg how are the others? Where are we leif?!" I said grabbing his face tightly wanting answers. He was still shocked I woke him up.

He slowly took my hands down from his face and he hugged me, one arm going around my neck and the other around my waist, and he tucked his head into my shoulder. And hugged me tightly and I hugged back again
He must have been so worried and shocked on how he came here, he probably doesn't know just like me.

We stayed like that for a while just comfortably and then we laid down on the grass together quietly just looking at the trees, enjoying the peacefulness while we still have it.

He finally speaks up "I don't know how I got here , or where the others are. I just woke up on that tree and saw you laying in that thorn bush bleeding out." He said still looking at the clouds above us.

"But I did hear asche in the distance. Like an echo. I was yelling around seeing if anyone would hear me and I heard him say something, it sounded close yet far away. Like he was beside me almost it was creepy" he said getting comfortable with his hands behind his head.

"Oh, okay" was all I said. It was all I could say. How come that happened? And how? This place is fucking confusing.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" I say quietly to him. "You shouldnt have seen that while not being in the right mind. But thank you for dealing with my dumbass" I say giggling a bit.

He's smiling still in a daze looking up at the clouds

"I could deal with your ass any day ava"

Hope you guys are enjoying these 3 chapters. I was bored in class so I started writing. Seems I do good writing while being bored😼✊️

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