The truth

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The truth

This is the first time I've ever written something.

Also English is not my first language.


Phayu arrived home all bloodied, expecting no one to be there, given that Rain was studying with Sky and his brother was with his lover. When Phayu opened the door to the bedroom, Rain was there, smiling brighter than the sun. However, as soon as Rain saw Phayu, his smile vanished.

The only thing Rain could think about at the time was the fact that his P'Phayu was bleeding and injured. Rain froze. He tried to approach him but his legs just wouldn't go. He also tried to talk but was also unable to. After a short while, Rain finally managed to move and carefully drew nearer to his boyfriend.

With tears in his eyes, Rain asked his boyfriend, "P'Phayu, what happened?"

When Phayu noticed Rain crying, he hugged him and held his neck while stroking his back. "It's okey, it's okey, my good boy"

Rain tryed to crawl out of a hug, because he didn't wanted to hurt his boyfried, but Phayu woudn't let go and just hold him tighter. "It's okey" he repeted "It's not my blood"


"It's not my blood" Phayu repeted. Rain relexed in Phayu embrece.

After Rain stoped crying he asked his boyfrend again "What happend?". Phayu remained silent despite wanting to tell Rain what had occurred and about his family, but he was worried that if Rain found out, he would leave him.

When Phayu didn't respond, Rain withdrew and asked again. Phayu realized he had to speak, so he tried to divert the conversation by asking Rain, "What are you doing here?" Rain was shocked by Phayu's tone "What am I doing here?" Rain aked in disbelief

"Aren't you the one who told me i can come here whenever i want?"

"Yes, I did but i thought you were studying with Sky and others"

"We were studying until P'Pai arrived to pick up Sky for dinner, so I made the decision to surprise you and spend some time with you before my exams began. However, it appears that I was surprised instead of you". With each outburst, Rain's rage increased, and he asked, "What happened, P'Phayu?" once again in the hopes that his boyfriend would respond.

"Rain, calm down" said Phayu.

"You want me to calm down? Calm down. How the heck am I supposed to calm down", his boyfriend said

"You're asking me to calm down after coming home all bloodied". Rain was so enraged at the time that he was unable to contain his yelling.

"P'Phayu, you better tell me what happened, right now, or I'm leaving," the moment he sad those words he regretted it.

Phayu realized that he might lose Rain if he didn't speak up. He began, "Okay, okey, I will tell you the truth,"

"The full truth?" Rain enquired.

"Yes, I'll tell you the whole truth", Phayu sighed.

"Before I tell you everything, you must relax and promise to listen until the end". Rain was puzzled, but he relaxed and promised to lisen until the end.

Phayu was rarely afraid, and this was one of those times. Phayu didn't know where to begin; he even tried opening his mouth a few times before closing it again.

Rain was growing impatient. "P'Phyu just say it!"

²Rain, I belong to mafia² Phayu said.

"I am aware of that." Phayu looked at him, confused. Phayu questioned,

"What do you mean, you know?"

"You are the one who brought me to a race, P'Phayu, well except the first time,"

Phayu chuckled. Of course, Rain assumed that was what Phayu was referring to. "That isn't what I mean, Rain". Phayu elaborated. "What I meant was that I come from a mafia family. To be more specific, I am a member of the Theerapanyakul miner mafia family". 

"That still doesn't explain why you are covered in blood". Phayu was taken back; he expected Rain to be afraid of him or to leave, but he remained the same.

"So, P'Phayu, what happened?" "I was in a meeting with my father and" Rain interapted Phayu. "Yes, I am aware of this; you informed me of it yesterday".

Phayu laughed once more. He didn't think his boyfried could get any cuter, but he was wrong. ²Don't make fun of me². Rain stated.

"I'm not laughing at you; I'm just amazed at how cute my boyfriend is". Rain has turned red.

"Are you shy?" Phayu teased

"Stop teasing me and tell me what happened"

"Maybe if someone hadn't interrupted me, I would have told them by now" Phayu indicated at Rain with his finger.

Rain pouted "Okay, fine. As I previously stated, I was in a meeting when a group of masked men burst into the room. One of the men attempted to shoot me, but one of the family bodyguards (who has been with the family since Phayu's birth) stepped in front of me and took the bullet". Phayu began to cry; he wanted to stop but couldn't. Just thinking about a bodyguard, who was like family to him, bleeding on the floor "I really tried to save him, but there was too much blood and too many of them, and we couldn't fight them all. So we retreated (of course, his (shoot bodyguard) body was dragged out by the other bodyguards. When we arrived at the hospital, it was too late; they couldn't save him". Rain was at a loss for what to do, so he went to Phayu and hugged him, hoping to calm him down.

Rain had never seen Phayu cry before, so it came as a surprise to say the least. Rain's heart broke seeing Phayu in that state. He didn't even realize he was crying. Rain tried hard not to cry, to be strong for Phayu, but the tears wouldn't stop.

When Phayu noticed Rain crying, he asked him softly, "Rain, why are you crying?"

"I don't know. It breaks my heart that you had to lose someone so close to you, and I'm sorry that I yelled at you and became angry".

"No, I'm the one who is sorry, sorry for not telling you what happened, sorry for not telling you who my family is, and sorry for becoming angry with you, for no reason".

Phayu went to take a shower after they had calmed down. They were cuddling, and Phayu was telling Rain about his family, when Rain asked, "P'Phayu, why were you so opposed to me knowing about your family?" Phayu was surprised by the question, but still responded, "Because I thought you would have left me if you knew and I don't know if I could have handled that."

vI love you, way too much to leave you, P'Phayu".

"I love you, Rain, and please don't ever leave me"


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