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As I sat in the royal drawing room I understood what would play out before me in just a matter of moments.

I heard heavy footsteps, they were slow, agonisingly slow, the door creaked as a guard opened the door to reveal the crazed tyrant.

My heart rate quickened as he dismissed the staff and locked the door

A click was heard

He turned around, a grin on his face, his eyes seemed to be in slits with green swirling around his pupils to complement the deep purple under his  eyes.

I took note of the scares on his face since I had last been in his presence. Since he last came home.

"One year." He chuckled.

Both of us understood that this was no laughing matter and would probably end up with my head on the floor.

"All it took was one year for you to betray me" he stared deep into my soul and I felt as if my mouth had locked itself up and threw away the key

"To think I was out here fighting for you, for our kingdom. And you decide to sleep with another man? You also seem to have no standards as well. Really a stable boy? Am I worth nothing more than a stable boy to you?" He's lost his calm composure. One wrong move and I'm dead

"I apologize your highness" I replied trying to see if I sucked up to him, he would be generous enough to just strip me of my tittle and riches instead of my life

"Cut the formalities; we've been married for 5 years and you still refer to me as that stupid title." He glanced at me while he fixed his crooked crown

Unaware of what to do I resorted to begging. I reasoned that maybe he would see me as weak and not worth killing.

"Please Luka, you must spare me I will give you anything you want whether it be money, servants, castles; just please don't kill me." I cried kneeling on my hands and knees in a sign of desperation and respect

He laughed
And laughed
And laughed

"My darling queen, why would I kill you when I already have exactly what I want."

My hopeful eyes looked up into his as he grinned at me with his cruel smile showing his pearly whites

"You won't kill me?" I asked ready to sacrifice anything to stay alive

"I have riches that reach higher than the Sky and enough palaces to fill a country however they would all mean nothing without your warm touch, the way that you mutter in your sleep and how you make anything you look at fall in love with you, I adore you y/n and I want you to understand that I want no other being to experience that. Through life or through death you're mine forever and always." He stared at me with the biggest smile and the tightest grip around me wrist

I let out a huge breath I didn't realise I was holding in as my ears were relieved to hear that you would be able to live another day.

"And what is to become of Charlie?" I asked, curious to know what was to happen to my previous lover

"He is to be dead by sunrise, please refrain from calling that vermin by such a name." The king explained expressionlessly

My eyes became teary, though I didn't dare let my mouth betray me as I knew what would happen if I were to speak

He once again lifted his face into a smile at my reaction realising that a dispute was not going to occur

His grip on my wrist got harder as he dragged me to our chamber and sat me on our bed

"You cannot be trusted by yourself, myself and the head maid will be in to supervise you and I'll let you roam around under my guidance from when we are together." He locked the door and sat down with a smile on his face

"Now how about we play a game."

Random Rambling -yandere One shots Where stories live. Discover now