The bright light - Pt.3

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《Continuation off of the last chapter "The weapons - Pt.2". Also, if you have any questions to the characters or about the characters, I'd be happy to respond! I can make a qna chapter just answering your questions if you have any :) Anyways, enjoy the chapter! ^^》

3 out of the 4 had woken up to get ready for the day to find Actions weapon. The 3 who are awake being Brandon, Rage, and Aris. They would find the weapon but not in the way they expected...

Brandon pov...
I was gathering a bunch of gear to go find Actions weapon. Though action wasn't awake yet I knew he'd be leading us. I sat at the dinner table, talking to Aris and Rage about today, we were all super excited. "What do you think it'll look like?" Aris asked. He tapped the table in a rhythmic pattern. "Maybe it'll be as big as mine!!" Rage said, tapping his shoes on the floor. "Well, it's gotta be super bright. we know that for sur -" I got cut off by the sudden yell. "AHH!!! WHAT THE FUCK????" Aris, Rage, and I ran to where action was sleeping. We all ran in to see... a blind action..?

"BRO WHO PUT A VR HEADSET ON ME????" Action yelled, "None of us..? Ashton your eyes.. They're completely white.." Action jumped at the sudden noise of Rage speaking. "Wh- huh?? I can only see a...weird place, though??? Are you guys pranking me." We all slowly approached action, "No..? Your eyes are literally white..." Aris said. He was about to put his hand on Actions face before realizing he should tell him before he touches him. "Is it okay if I grab your face to examine it??" Aris asked, "Yeah just- figure out what's wrong with me, dude." Aris used his fingers to widen actions eyes to get a better look at them,

"No veins... literally none..." Aris spoke concerned, "What do you see?" I asked, "Uh.. it's like a.. lab? It looks to be up here.. not in the nether or underground.. and it's in a village..?" We  all looked at each other (besides action, he can't see right now). "Do you think that's where the Sword of light is?" Rage suggested, "I mean, it's a bright place. The lab seems to be the only house with lights in and around it." We all decided that we'd go to wherever that place was. "So action, we're going to haft to carry you." I said he clearly couldn't walk that well cause he can't see. "Dude no ill be fine!" He tried to stand up and fell flat on his face.

"....fine." We all collectively help Action up, Aris was designated to carry him. We did a game of rock paper scissors to decide on that. We left and went to the nearest village we could find.

★°.•Time skip ^^•.°★

We walked toward the first village we had found, "Alright, first village... nope, this isn't it." I said, The others nodded as we went to find another one.

After going through at least 4 different villages, we might've found the right one.

", this is strangely dark, I don't like it." Aris said. Even though his kind was always around in the dark and liked it, he never took a huge liking to it. "This might be it!" Rage said, "Action, do you still see that lab?" I asked. He nodded. "TO THE LAB!!" I yelled, we all separated and searched, aris was searching the front, Rage the middle & left 'n right, and I searched the back. While searching, I found something.. something Bright. "GUYS! GET OVER HERE I FOUND SOMETHING!" The other 3 rushed over - well 2, action was being carried (piggy back). As soon as aris and action arrived, action yelled, "AH!- NEW THING! I SEE A NEW THING!"

That's how we knew we found it, "Sure is bright." I commented, "What do you see now, Action?" I asked, "Uh- Inside the  lab in a hidden backroom...? With uh- a censored thing... I can't see it. It's literally censored for me.." We all walked in. The lab had 3 big rooms, a small main room and a bunch of science stuff, and we all started looking around for this backroom.

Aris pov...
I had put action in a chair so i could look easier. I started messing with the walls before hearing a loud clicking sound from behind me. I whipped my head around to see Action had gotten up and grabbed a beaker for balance. Instead of it breaking, it was the damn lever. "Oh- uh, I think I found it," Action said. A door opened. Action started to stumble over in the direction of the door, "Hey hey careful don't break something-" Brandon said. He wanted to be cautious in case there was actually someone or something here. I followed action to the door, Brandon and Rage following behind.

We looked in the room, there was a BUNCH of weird bright items, we looked at the end of the hall and we saw... what could only be the Sword of Light. Action was stumbling towards it. Was he doing it Consciously, or was it out of his control? We al heard a clink sound. Action had picked up the sword, suddenly a bright white light emmited from the Sword blinding all of us. "Salutations, Master, Darkness, Truth and Rage." A voice spoke.

Action pov...
I still couldn't see, now all I saw was a bright white, but I heard this voice speaking.. "Uh, sorry to be rude, but could I not be blind anymore..?" I asked the thing, "Ah yes, sorry." A couple blinks of my eyes and I could finally see again, I looked at what stood before me, it was a tall figure, golden yellow eyes white body, it was glowing too. "Uh, do you have a name..?" I asked this thing, "No..." it said, "Huh... Blitz.. it suits you.." The thing looked at me. It felt like its eyes were piercing my soul, "..Blitz?" It asked, "Oh well-, you can have a different name if you'd like!-

You could also be uh-" i was frantic not to upset this.. god? Poweful being? I have no clue what this thing is.. "No..
Blitz, I like Blitz." I nodded slightly, in awe of what I was seeing, I had seen many many things before but this... was absolutely insane "Aight aight cool, cool, uhm-.." I was trying to process everything. I mean- this was entirely so confusing like genuinely. The being hummed looking at all of us "you look... not too different from... them." It said, Aris spoke."What- whoes "them"?" He asked. The being looked at all of us, left to right " wouldn't understand as a mortal.." it suddenly went back into the Sword as it fell to the ground making a clink noise as I accidentally dropped it. "Uhm.. I guess we found that?" Rage looked around after speaking. "Amazing great uh- what- do we do now-" Brandon questioned "Well I mean there's only two weapons left to find now right? Sooooo- it seems that events seem to correlate with the weapons like action not being able to see us and Rage going to the nether and.." Aris started mumbling to himself after the theory.

"Do we just go home- now-?" Rage asked, "I mean, probably what else is there to do here-" Brandon stated. We all headed home with the sword of light. God, it was bright as HELL, looks very cool though im keeping it.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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