Episode Nine*

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The Musician gritted his teeth in pure anger as a way to control his undying rage from leashing out.

He knew immediately who the stranger was in front of him when he noticed the symbol embroidered into his expensive silk.

The symbol represented the almighty dragon god that only royal blood could wear, blessing them with endless strength.

The Musician despised that symbol with a passion.

He wished a thousand deaths would fall upon those who wear it with pride.

He wanted their blood to pave the streets, forever ending the Tang dynasty.

He wanted to see the demise of the bloodline he hated, wanting them to suffer like he did.

He wanted them extinct from this lonely planet, allowing peace to be restored and his empty heart filled.

The formidable man before him even had the audacity to erupt his monthly tribute to his master, angering him even more.

He wondered why someone like him would be in the Outer Ring.

The musician thought this would be the last place he would ever find someone with the dragon's blood flowing through their veins.

It made him question on why he was here.

The Musician had to force himself to look the sinister man in the eyes that stared back at him with a sense of want.

The Musician never wanted to puke this badly before in his life.

He was disgusted without a doubt.

"Are you the one that they call the Ghost Musician." The daunting man with lavish attire asked with a hint of curiosity, tilting his head to the side.

His goons stood silent and patient behind him, protecting him from possible treats.

The name he spewed out of his mouth was what the locals called the masked man that was sitting infornt of him.

The Musician was not fond of the name because he was very much alive.

He was not a corpse of who he used to be.

He had flesh and bone.

He was not a figment of a lost soul, forced to walk the earth in torment.

He was human.

Even though he wished to perish into internal bliss he was unable to.

He still had to get revenge for what a certain clan did, fueling his bitter heart with pure hatred.

The Musician understood how people could mistake him for one.

He did appear at night and only during the full moon.

It was very suspicious.

The Musician nodded his head to the Emperor's question.

He tried his best to keep his cool, and not murder the man Infont of him.

That is too much of a light sentance for the heinous crimes he has committed; therefore, he should have a slow and painful end.

He should suffer like how the Musician had to suffer.

He was not into violence; however, the man before him deserved a thousand deaths for what he has done.

He controlled himself even though he really wanted to see the man's head roll off his shoulders.

The Emperor crouched down from where he stood until he was eye level with the white haired beauty.

He had the urge to take of the mask to see what laid behind.

He knew deep down that the man would be breathtaking.

He woundered why the Musician would wear such an ugly mask but he respected the man's boundaries.

There is a reason why and he did not want to overstep, especially when he could tell that the man was not pleased with his presence.

"Are you a friend or are you a foe." The Emperor asked, wanting to know an answer before he made his final decision.

This would be the turning point on what he should do with the man.

It all depended on his answer.

The Musician tried his hardest to contain his laugh.

He knew that the man before him was much stronger than him even though he was much older and wiser.

He would not win against the Dragon himself.

His skills are unmatched and would immediately fail.

He knew of the rummers and could not risk to anger the man with his laughter.

It could set him off; as a result, the musician chose to remain silent.

Little does the Musician now this had the opposite effect.

The Emperor asked again only to be met with more silence.

The Emperor stood up from his crouched position, irritated beyond belief.

The Advisor watched from the sidelines, knowing his lord will cause a scene.

He did not like being ignored, especially by those lower than him.

The towns people stood in silence confused and fade what might happen next.

You could feel his lordships rage emitting from his muscular body.

The Emperor's hand ached for his blade that was still attached to his hip.

It was a family heirloom that was passed down from generation to generation.

The hilt was gold with dragons dancing across the metal to the top of the blade.

It was a perfect representation of someone who hails from the dragon clan.

The Emperor stoped his blade that was cetemeters away from the Musician's cheek that did not have protection from the mask.

" I demand an answer or else I will slaughter you were you stand." He said with a deadly glare that could kill anyone in his wake.

The Musician was still silent.

He felt no need to answer the man.

He was not afraid of any blade.

The Emperor pressed his blade against the Musician's soft skin, drawing blood.

The Musician looked at him with pure hatred.

"I am neither!"

" I'm am of the living. The blood is proof, breathing life into my lungs." The Musician spat back in annoyance.

This ticked the Emperor off even more.

He no longer cared for formalities.

He reached for the mask only to have his hand smacked away by the musician.

The Emperor looked at his hand in away.

It burned for the sudden contact.

Anger soon engulfed his being.

The Emperor grabbed the man by the cheeks forcing him to stand up.

The man's instrumental fell to the ground from the sudden action.

He then threw his body to the ground infort of his Advisor.


The musican only smirked as the Advisor did his job.

He would soon get his revenge and the Emperor made it easy for him.

*A/N: Do I smell enemies to lovers 🤧

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