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Kenny opened his eyes slowly as he regained conciousness. It took him a moment to recall what had happened, but he remembered every second of it once he did. He, Kyle and Stan had been playing basketball again, before the ball rolled onto the road. They had hastily played rock, paper, scissors and Kenny lost (He lost quite often, he sucked at most luck based games). He ran to the ball and for a moment it seempt like it'd be fine for the first time in years... Then a car dashed past and he heard his bones crack like a poptart's crust. He was instantly dead. At first he didn't realise he had died until he tried to pick the basketball back up. He looked down at his body to see it mangled and bloodied with his rips poking out. One side of his face was squished. Ouch. " Oh my god.. Oh my god! They killed Kenny! " Stan called to Kyle. " You bastard!! " He said, waving his fist at the car which was already a mile down the road. Better me than them.

 " Kenny! You're gonna miss the bus! " His mother called, snapping him back into reality. He got out of bed, his parka already on. Like always. He walked into the bathroom and peered into the cracked mirror. What was wrong with his face? Shimmery flesh-coloured streaks striped his skin and he ran his hand over it. It was smooth, unlike a scar. Odd.. Scars on his face? That was new. There was a few here and there on his body due to his parents, but never from him dying.. He tightened his parka by pulling the strings and shrugged it off and proceeded to brush his teeth with as little toothpaste as possible. He walked back into his room and put his gloves and shoes on. He came into the dining room and Karen spoke " Hey Ken! How are you? " " I'm good, how're you? " Kenny replied, walking up to his sister. " I'm good! Thanks for the doll, It's been really fun to play with. " She said. " I'm glad you like it Kare. Have a good day at school. " Kenny said and smiled under the parka and patted Karen's head.

He found himself at the bus-stop, walking there without thinking about it. " Hey Kenny. " Stan and Kyle said in unison, while Cartman muttered something. " Got something to say Cartman? " Kenny said, suspicous of the FAT LITTLE PIGGY. " I can't hear you, I think the dirt from your parka is blocking my ears. " Cartman said with a faintly teasing tone. " Fuck you fatass!" Kenny replied angrily. " No dude, Cartmans right. " Kyle said unexpectantly. " I mean, not about your parka. I can't hear you properly. " Kenny sighed, The hoodie was too tight and muffled his speech far too much. Kenny pulled the parka's hood to untighten a bit. The scar would be visible now.. Fuck, who cares? They'll probably just assume it's from my parents. To Kenny's shock, nobody commented on it. " Hey Kenny, you seem a bit nervous. Is everything okay? " Stan asked him. " Yeah. " Kenny replied simply. Stan opened his mouth to say something, but the bus came whirring infront of them, only halting when it saw the blue sign. The door slid open and the four boys loaded themselves into the bus.

Soon they were at the school and the bus door opened and kids rushed out, mostly because Cartman had Chipotle earlier and thought it'd be funny to almost shit his pants all around the bus.. It was pretty funny. The four boys walked into the school together and each went to their lockers. Kenny opened his locker and put his bag into the locker. His locker was barren with posters and magazines on the bottom of the locker. There was a newspaper cut-out of Mysterion taped onto the inside of the locker door. He closed his locker and waited for the other three boys to be done messing around in their lockers. Finally everyone was done and they all went to class.  

[skipping class cause its b-b-b-b-boorriiiinngggg!!!!]

Finally that miserable session was over. Mr Garrison did horrible things to Mr Slaves asshole, even for Kenny's standards. They all went to the caferteria. It had been over an hour since Cartman and Kyle had argued, that's a first. Lots of firsts today it seems. They all sat in their respective seats. Butters looked at Kenny, His expression managing to be fearful, disgusted, confused and pitiful at the same time. " Whats wrong?" He asked Butters, but he didn't respond. "  Yeah dude, why're you giving Kenny such a disgusted look? " Kyle asked when Butters didn't reply.  " Y-you should be asking if Kennys okay fellas! " Butters responded, not even trying to answer the question. " Dude, just tell me. " Kenny said, irritated. Butters looked at him confused and opened his mouth to say something but his voice wheezed before he could get the words out. He tried again and spoke, but just tripped over his words. " Alright, Don't tell me. Whatever." Kenny said, not in the mood to keep asking. He couldn't help but feel bad for Butters, he seempt truly horrified. Maybe he saw the scar? No, he wouldn't be horrified over that. He had his own scar too.. Which I gave him..... Shit.. " Tell me later if you want to, okay? " Kenny said. Butters only kept staring at him, messing with his hands. 

[no ships remember especially bunny ewewew, NO hes not staring at him for bunny pukes]omg greasy writing woop. i wonder how long this took me :/ also the names so edgy graaah i hate myself[941 words]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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