Buster's Bad Dream

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[Author's Note: This one shot is inspired by two fan-arts I made (As shown from above). And the following sentences you're about to see is nothing that has to do with gay OTP's. This is a BROTP fanfic (As it mainly focuses on) I came up with so you guys can understand a bit. Also the plot in this story is changed when I was writing this.]

[Buster and his friends were camping one day and one night as they were all asleep in their tents, Buster was having a bad dream]

Buster: *he was curled up in a ball in his sleeping bag and was sweating* No please, I'm too young to die.

In Buster's Dream

[Buster was encountered by Dr. Gene Splicer who killed Buster's friends and were trying to get of him by pushing him off a cliff]

Buster: Get away from me

Dr. Gene Splicer: Too bad. You're now all alone just like your parents are

Buster: I might be, but at least I'm brave unlike you

Dr. Gene Splicer: Oh really, lets see what happens when I push you into my gene pool off from 10,000 feet up

[As they finally got the edge of the cliff, Buster started to lose his balance]

Dr. Gene Splicer: Goodbye you stupid bunny.

[Dr. Gene Splicer pushes Buster off the edge of the cliff, making him fall screaming for help causing him jolt awake]

End of Bad Dream

Plucky: *grumbles* Ugh. Do you mind? I'm trying to sleep.

[Plucky sees Buster sitting down with his head buried on his knees sobbing quietly]

Plucky: Buster?

Buster: *sniffs*

[Plucky then gets on his knees and puts his hand on Buster's back causing Buster to get his attention. Immediately, Buster jolted to Plucky giving him a big hug and started crying on his shoulder]

Buster: I'm so glad you're alive

Plucky: What do you mean?

Buster: *sniffs* you and Hamton were dead and Babs didn't like me and left for Roderick Rat.

[Plucky gets a look of shock. Because he never thought he would have a dream like that. He then pulled him in a hug and started rubbing his back]

Plucky: It's alright pal. You're safe and Babs still loves you

[Buster then was gonna thank Plucky for his comfort but he accidentally almost said something that made him think he was gonna get embarrassed]

Buster: *sniffs* Thanks Plucky. You're the best big bro-

Plucky: Wait what?

Buster: *Embarrassed* N-Nothing

Plucky: It's ok just tell me. I'm your friend right?

Buster: Well more of a friend actually. You're like my big brother

Plucky: Really?

Buster: Y-Yeah

[With Buster Bunny spilling out his words to Plucky Duck, Plucky gets a surprised face as he gives his friend a big hug]

Plucky: Awww Buster. You didn't need to say that

Buster: Wh-What do you mean?

Plucky: Well, you're like my little brother too.

Buster: Really?

Plucky: Of course. And I love you too, little bro.

[These comforting words made Buster feel better as he hugged Plucky tighter]

Buster: Thank you Pluck. You're the best big brother a bunny could ever have.

Plucky: You too little bro. You too

[After Buster had his comfort from Plucky, the two of them went back to sleep with Buster now feeling safe]


Copyright Date: 01/14/23

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