The heartbreak

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Temperance Brennan was what you could call a somewhat..stoic woman. She had a difficult time expressing her emotions around people, especially if she didn't trust them completely.

The only person that she genuinely trusted with her whole heart and soul, was her best friend. Angela Montenegro. She didn't quite understand why she trusted Angela so much, or why she felt so vulnerable around her, she just knew she did. Perhaps there was something more that she wasn't looking into, something bigger than she could comprehend. But she wasn't ready to think about that just yet.

Certainly not after her recent heartbreak due to a certain agent that just-so-happened to be her work partner. Seely Booth.


"Oh sweetie.. you look like a mess.." Angela stated, noticing Temperance's face. She looked as if she had been holding back tears. Temperance trusted Angela, yet she couldn't bring herself to cry in front of anyone. Not even her most trusted friend.

"Come here hun.." Angela said, standing up from her desk and bringing Temperance into a tight hug. Temperance, however, was still blinking back tears. She was trying extremely hard not to just break down in her colleague's arms and sob into her shoulder.

"I..I'm sorry, Ange. Really I am. I'm such a mess today.." Temperance muttered. "Sweetie, it's okay, really. It's understandable, I mean, you just lost your boyfriend! I would be crying too." Angela spoke as she rubbed her friends back, making an attempt to comfort her.

Temperance hoped Angela couldn't hear it, but her heart was thumping at such a rapid pace, she thought it would burst right out of her chest. Why am I feeling so.. vulnerable? Every time I'm around Angela this happens.. oh no. It's not possible, is it? I mean I could understand why.. her eyes, her facial features, her smile.. alright, that's enough. I will not be thinking sich things at this time.

Temperance decided that she would think about her feelings for Angela later. Right now, all she needed was the comfort of her best friend.

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