The crush

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Temperance had to examine a body found in a sewer pipe today.  Surprisingly, she wasn't ecstatic about it. She normally was, but recently something had been weighing down in her. The way she feels for a certain someone.

She wouldn't admit the way she feels yet, but she knew she was head over heels for Angela. She was just so scared to ever tell her. Perhaps the time would come someday, but now was just not the time. She was just getting over a breakup, she couldn't bring herself to immediately attempt to jump into a new relationship. Especially after the brutal way Seely broke it off...


"Listen Tempe, I just can't do this anymore. You're so stoic, and you hardly care about anyone else's feelings but your own. You can't even say 'I love you' Godamnit! I can't be with someone who can't appreciate the way I feel for them. Bye."

And with that, Seely Booth left Temperance's apartment, leaving her there alone to wallow in her own pity. She was feeling a mixture of emotions at that moment. Sadness, anger, and...relief?

She didn't know why yet, but she would soon figure that out on her own.


As Temperance was about to leave The Jeffersonian to go examine the body, Angela stopped her in her tracks. Angela was wearing a white button up shirt, a beige skirt, a cream colored cardigan, and she had her hair up in a high ponytail. Temperance took a sharp breath, not even realizing she hadn't been breathing. Angela. Was. STUNNING.

Temperance just couldn't bring herself to look away, until Angela spotted her and noticed that she had been staring. "Like what you see Tempe?" Angela teased, smirking flirtatiously. "" Temperance stammered, trying to find the right words to say.

"It's fine sweetie, anyways, where are you going?" Angela asked. "I have to go examine a body found in the sewer pipe." Temperance replied. "Oh, Hey, do you wanna come over to my place tonight? We could have a girls night! We could drink wine, watch movies, style each others hair, yknow.. girly type things." Angela said, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"Well...I guess it wouldn't hurt to have ONE day away from work.." Temperance said, smiling. Angela clapped her hands together like an excited little girl, and it made Temperance giggle. Temperance was falling more in love with this woman every day, but she wouldn't ever admit it. Not unless she had evidence that Angela felt remotely the same.

"Well, I'll let you get to that body.." Angela started, but began walking over to Temperance. "But before you go.." Angela gave Temperance a quick kiss on the cheek, leaving Temperance there stunned. Her face heated up slightly, but she quickly made it go away. She didn't want to be caught blushing in front of her best friend..and crush. God.. I probably sound like a little girl. Temperance thought.

"Bye sweetie." Angela said as she smiled seductively. She walked back over to where she was working, and Temperance muttered a "Bye Ange" before she left The Jeffersonian to go fine the body. She had work to do, she soundly let a silly crush get in the way of that. Or..maybe she would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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