A new student.

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(y/n) pov

I'm (y/n), an high school student who's very strong an smart!
I'm known for being an anime fan and stronger than the president of the karate club! I also am the only one in school that is able to speak Japanese, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish and Swedish!

I'm also very interested in war history! I'm mostly interested in World War One, this is because I'm an very very Very big fan of the metal band Sabaton!

My ability to speak these languages finally got into good use when an transfer student came to our school all the way from Japan!

Teacher: good morning everyone, there will an new student in our class from now on.

The new student walked in, she had beautiful long gold hair and emerald green eyes.

O and She also was a loli.

New student: みなさんこんにちは、逢坂大河です。 私は日本から来ました。良い友達になれることを願っています!

This means: hello everyone, I am Aisaka, Aisaka Taiga. I'm from Japan and I hope we can become good friends!

A/n: I will translate everything to English from now on.

3rd pov:

Everyone was silent.

Taiga's face turned from an smile to an slightly depressed face.

Taiga: (Japanese) I knew this would happen.

Teacher: *points at the seat next to y/n*

Google translate: (Japanese) you can sit there.

Taiga nodded and sat down next to y/n

The boy couldn't bear seeing her sad so he took action.

Y/N: (Japanese) hi Taiga I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you I also hope we can be great friends.

Taiga was shocked, not only did he just cal her by her first name, but he can speak Japanese! She couldn't control her emotions and hugged Y/N

Male Classmate: jealous.

Hi it's me! The and of chapter one is here! Sorry for not uploading on my diary, My life wasn't only chaos, I also was reading one very good book, Here's the link to it:

Just an immigrant student. Nothing else . . . (An taiga aisaka x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now