Mysteries unveiled

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"Eye on target, waiting for the package," I said over coms, peering through the scope of my sniper from the rooftop of a building.

"I have sights on collateral one," Victoria responded, looking through her scope from another building.

"Firing in place of three, five, four..." I slowly started counting down, but then I paused as kids started running out of the school for recess. The target there noticed us.

"She made us. Target deployed smoke." Victoria said "She's on foot with the package. Stay high, I'm going to ground," I said to everyone over coms.

I quickly grabbed a rope and tied it to a metal pole, securing it to my belt. With agility, I ran down the wall and landed safely. Removing the rope, I sprinted in pursuit of the target.

The target was darting through the streets when someone opened their door, causing the target, to collide with a passing car. She fell, and I caught up to her, attempting to grab the briefcase. However, the lady fought back, throwing a punch. Undeterred, I retaliated and drew my knife.

The target tried to escape, but I swiftly cut her leg, causing her to struggle. I made another attempt to stab her, but the target dodged the attack. Determined, I grabbed her arm and tried to drag her down. The target resisted, gripping my hand with the knife. I dropped the knife from that hand, quickly grabbing it with the other and thrusting it into the her stomach, twisting it deeper. The target cried out in pain as I pulled the knife out, further slicing her stomach.

Breathless, I pushed the target to the ground. The target began coughing up blood, and I rolled her over to retrieve the briefcase underneath her. However, she had already pulled out the antidote and sprayed it into my eyes. Blinking a few times, I looked at my knife and the lady on the ground, gasping for air. "Oksana!" I gasped, dropping my knife and rushing to Oksana's side. "Oh no, what did I do?" I cry, gripping Oksana's hands.

"free the others" were Oksana's last words, causing me to panic even more. Breathing heavily, I picked up the briefcase, closing it tightly.

Amidst the chaos, Victoria's voice came over the coms, requesting a status report. Ignoring the call, I took decisive action, jabbing the knife into my thigh and slicing a hole. I pulled out a small chip, preventing me from being tracked anymore. Throwing the chip to the ground in a panic, I stumbled back up.

"Convert on team leader," Victoria commanded over the coms,  I still ignored the call and ran away with the briefcase.     


"General Dreykov, we have a deserter." Ingrid said on radio "Permission to activate taskmaster protocol?" Ingrid asked Dreykov........


I finally made it to the apartment in Budapest. I got inside and slammed the door shut, locking the locks. I faced away from the door and slid down, covering my face with both hands, taking a breath of relief.

I finally calmed down and got up and walked over to my desk and sat down, thinking about what I was going to do with the little briefcase. But first, I had to figure out what it was.

I  hacked into the Red Room's database and found out that the generations were chemically altered, rendering them unable to control their own bodies. And what snapped me out of it was this Red Dust, a counteragent released in gaseous form to rid victims of mind control.

I didn't know what to do with the briefcase. I'm just one person I  can't save all the widows myself it would be dangerous, but it got me thinking what about my sisters? They could help... right?

Last I heard is that they were in New York so I went to the post office, when I got there I rapped all the vials together and put a picture of all of three of us....


HEY GUYS umm I hope you like it so far I'm sorry I didn't update it sooner, I've just been busy with school but HERE I AM. I'll probably write some chapters everyday and eventually Christmas break comes I will write a lot of it😝👍🫡

Bye-bye for now sad potatoes

Love Allie—

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