-1- arcade

22 2 0

mom and dad are fighting again..

i lay curled up in a ball, the newest pop singles playing in my headphones

i close my eyes.. my grandma always says think of your happy place when times are tough, and that i did

i imagine myself in the arcade in front of my school

thats it.. ill go there

i pack a small bag, filled with any snacks i had on hand and of course my headphones and some other things like my sketchbook

silently, i creep down the stairs, knowing my parents wouldn't care if i left or not, they're too busy to notice right now anyways

with a click of the door, i feel the wind on my skin

it seems to calm me down a little.. but i dont know quite why

i head on my way, around a ten minute walk to the arcade

my feet coming towards a stop, i read the huge sign lighting up my face

'dream world'

the sun is going to set soon, the sign is lighting up everything.. music plays in the background along with a few 'zzt's and 'GAME OVER's and also a few cheers

this, is what i call my happy place

walking in the crowed area, i see myself gravitating towards a zombie game

i sit in the machine, waiting for a player 1,  PLAYER TWO lit up my screen

a few minutes pass by, they feel like hours

"knock knock"
i hear

startled, my head turns towards the voice

"hey, need a player one?"
the boy says, his features being lit up by the 'ZOMBIE WAR' screen

i nod my head, unable to say anything

"the names chishiya shuntaro"
he introduced himself

"uhm, y/n l/n"
i smile

"oh so the beauty speaks"
he giggles raising his eyebrows slightly

i giggle along with him, took aback by the name

we play the game, holding the plastic gun like my life depends on it

i get last out of the two of us, he has a smile on his face.. i soon do too

not sure why, i lost.. why am i smiling?

"good game, wanna play again?"
he asks turning towards me again

"uh sure, how did you win so flawlessly? you were in death on death situation.. how?"
i agree, soon my eyebrows furrowed thinking through the match we just played

he breathlessly chuckles, moving closer to me

"okay, so first youre holding the gun wrong"
he points to the plastic replica

i jump a little, looking down

"see, its easier like this.."
he re proportioned the gun

i make an 'o' shape with my mouth, and thank him

we start the game again, me winning this time

i cheer out, a huge smile imprinted on my face

one on his too

"good job!"
he says placing the gun down

"cmon lets go play some other game"
he gestures his head to a different area of the arcade

a couple hours later, the arcade eventually shuts

me and chishiya are sitting on the curb just outside dream world

"hey.. chishiya.."
i break the silence

he replies

"why are you here?"
i tilt my head to the side looking at the boy

"uh, i dunno just got bored i guess.. you?"
he shrugs his shoulders looking away

"uhm.. well my parents were fighting and i found comfort in this place.. so i came here"
i look off to the side

"im sorry about that.. your parents i mean.."
he sounds.. actually sorry... my heart grows a little faster, feeling vulnerable, but soothed.. i don't understand it

"yeah.. my grandma always says go to your happy place when times are tough.."
i look up, the sky now glittered with stars

observing them, i ask

"whats your happy place?"

we make eye contact, but i dint look away like i usually would.. his eyes dark.. but filled with emotion, its like he has a resting pokerface but i can somehow read it..

"my happy place?.. probably just like this world.. but all you do is play games.. that would be awesome"

he says with a smirky-smile

i nod my head, agreeing with the idea

"yeah that is pretty cool"
we smile

i grab my sketchbook, drawing the boy as he gazes off into he night sky

"oh hey watcha drawing?"
he asks moving closer

"its not done yet!!"
i say with a smile

"so? i wanna seeeeee!!"
he groans like a little kid

eventually, he play fights me for it and sees him looking off into space with a title reading

'player one - chishiya shuntaro'

he stares at the paper for a while

"you didnt draw this just now did you?"
he asks pointing to the sketch

i hum, nodding my head

"thats awesome!!!"
he kicks his feet

eventually, i get his number and he gets mine, his contact saved as 'player one'

PLAYER ONE  { chishiya x reader }Where stories live. Discover now