Chapter Four

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Pewds POV
I wake up late for school and rush to get ready. I grab a piece of toast off the table and run out with my laptop and book bag. I wore a sweatshirt so no one would see the dark bruise on my neck. As im walking to school someone reaches out from a bush and grabs me, covering my mouth so i would not scream. The person pulls me pretty far into the woods and i believe i was going to die. The person finally stopped dragging me and started chuckling. I turned around to glare at Cry. "You should have seen you face!" He laughed holding his gut. I stood up and started walking when he grabbed my arm "Cmon, your not going to leave me here in the woods alone are you? How about we skip school today, unless you're afraid?" He lifted one eyebrow knowing he had me. I sat next to him "why me though?" I said when i found my voice "like i told you last night, i want you." Chills ran up my spine at those words. I didnt notice how close we were sitting before until he reached up and touched the bruise he gave me. He chuckled at my sudden shyness and decided to take it further. He pushed me back against the grass. Soon he was above me and had ahold on my neck. I felt the swirling of his tongue and the small amount of pain from his bites. I accidentally let out a small moan which made him laugh against my neck. This encouraged him to take it further as he ripped off my shirt. He saw my chest and he laughed. I assumed he was just doing this to make fun of me but i was so shocked i couldnt get up. Looking me straight in the eyes he slowly ran his finger from my neck down my torso and stopped right before he reached my jeans. He let his tongue wander across my torso, making me blush. He pulled off his shirt and laughed at my reaction. You could tell he was enjoying the torture he was causing me. He came back over me and pressed his mouth against my. He ran his hands across my back making me gasp. With that quick gasp he slipped his tongue into my mouth and searched it. He clasped my bottom lip between his top and bottom teeth. I noticed that i slipped my hands into his hair. His chest was pressed firmly against mine and his hands were exploring my body. He sat up for air and my face flushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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