Normalcy bleeds red

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this story is the next part to my other Matt and Peter story red painted city, it is not needed to know that story to understand this one, but it clears some things.

So english is not (just like before) not my native language, so mistakes are probably there. You are free to give me some pointers for any grave mistakes a probably made with gramar and spelling.

In the meantime I have watched the Defenders Saga, but I will ignore canon as I seem fit.

But now I hope you all enjoy this story.


Peter was fourteen when his life was completely overthrown.

He was not sure what to think about it.

There was a man.


Blind like him.

He is a fighter and a lawyer.

Matt Murdock.

He is fourteen, when finally, finally his life starts to make sense again.

He is still a blind orphan child, but he is not the only blind orphan anymore.

He is not alone! Not anymore.

He is not sure, if he can trust this development.

With Stick he thought the same in the beginning. Only to be disappointed, Stick only ever wanted a weapon, while he wanted a dad or an uncle again.

So he is very hesitant to believe in that good piece of life he was dealt. Seemingly at accident. It could not be right.

But something in Matt, call me Matt, he said, had just called to him. He was not sure what it was, but he wanted to trust him.

He had listened to every sound of him, every single beat of his heart, every change in the melody of his voice. He searched for the telling scent of a lie, the sweet scent of broken promises.

He knew this signs, had practiced to regonize them for hours. For the sole purpose of making Stick happy. Not that he ever was. But nonetheless, Peter had hoped.

But all that facts all the sounds and other signs were telling him the truth: The man was not lying, or at least he thought he was telling the truth.

Peter had no other choice, than to trust him.

Still it was and is a complicated process, and he is sometimes not sure it is all just a big dream. That he will open his eyes and be in the smelly orphanage again. Alone, like all the time before.

That is his time counting now, before Matt and with Matt. It is difficult to trust again, but he is willing to try.

Piece by piece he learns to life again.

He had a dad again!

It was on paper. He even had held a copy, had searched for the small points of braille on the paper. It is all there, he was able to feel it.

On this case , he got to know Matts best friend, Foggy Nelson. He is his firm partner and was their attorney for the case. He was nice and honest.

Peter had liked him on first sight. (Or smell and hearing, he guesses.)

Now somewhat of normalcy had come to his life again. He is even going to school again.

Matt, he is his dad now, had searched for a good school. It is not directly in Hell's Kitchen, but it is one of the best.

He even got a scholarship!

Otherwise he would not have been able to go. To expensive. Matt may be a lawyer, but he also is a lawyer who works most cases pro-bono.

Foggy is there, on his first day at the new school. Midtown science and technology.

He is a bit unsure, standing there on the schoolyard, twisting his cane in sweaty fingers. Matt stands beside him, his own cane in a loose and sure grip. Foggy is beside the two, the seeing one, guiding his blind friend and his new son.

Then there is a boy, a bit smaller than Peter, he is nice.

And the best! He is not overly awkward with his blindness!

He talks to him, shows him the new school. Edward Leeds, I'm Ned, just Ned, becomes his first and best friend.

Peter is fifteen, when his life is more or less normal again.


Matt is not sure, what he is doing, he knows nothing about children. He only knows, that he is determined to give this boy a childhood and everything he never got.

It is going to be a long way, before the boy, before Peter will be able to trust him. He knows that, because he would be exactly the same. Mistrustful and wary for the other shoe to drop.

But he will deal with the problems, when they arise. They will come, when Peter is surer about his new living arrangements.

But first, he as to give him some stability. Some kind of normal in his otherwise crazy life.

So he finds him a school.

He is there for the first day, like his own dad was never able to and Peters is not.

But he tries to be that for Peter, a person he can rely on.

He is surprised with the boy they meet in the front of the high school. He listens a moment to him, to his heartbeat, to his everything.

And all he can think is Foggy. That boy resembles Foggy in all the same way he himself is looking in a mirror, when looking at Peter.

That boy, he could be Peters savior, like Foggy was his own. Over the school year he learns more and more about his mirror son Peter and his new best friend.

They are exactly like a much younger version of Foggy and him, had he known Foggy already in high school.

They are the same and also their own people.

But all in all he is glad that Peter has a friend like Ned, much like as he has Foggy.

He only has to hope that Peter will not make the same mistakes, he had made in his friendship with Foggy.

But he will deal with that, once the problem arises, once Peter is more comfortable and talks more about his senses.

He is not sure what kind of problems will arise, but he is determined to deal with them, to deal with Peter, like he would have liked to be dealt with.

And hopefully he can protect Peter with making his, Matts, mistakes a second time.

At the same time he knows, that Peter will have to make his own mistakes.

But he can be there for him, like he sometimes wished there was someone to help him with his.

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