1|| Gheegle

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Words: 1135


Zanba Yori, younger sister of Zanba Ryujin and a second years at Ryōin Academy. She is often seen wandering around Kanagawa with a juice box while looking for a nice quiet spot to rest. Not only is she a Zanba but she's also Ryōin Academy's Rugby Club Lady, often seen with the members of the rugby club she's very kindhearted and loves to participate in their training drills.

The only thing about Yori is that she unfortunately does not know a single thing about rugby even though her brother and the team members often explain it in great detail, she can't seem to keep it in her brain.

"Ryu-Nee, I'm gonna go I have um something to do at.... The convenience store?" Smiling awkwardly she gave her brother a thumbs up before sprinting away towards the bus stop, awaiting the bus she grabbed her ringing phone from her bag and looked at it in horror.

'Tsuki-Senpai' her head dropped as she picked up the phone "Yes, Tsuki-Senpai..." her voice was low as a whisper, she quietly got on the bus as she continued her conversation with her upperclassman. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT LEAVING RYUJIN ALONE WITH ME YO-" She quickly hung up the phone and acted as if nothing had happened, staring out the window she looked at the next stop and got off.

"Gigi said I should meet him here." Sighing the girl looked both ways before she decided to flip a coin. "Heads is left tails is right!" Flipping the coin she looked at it before heading right, hoping that it would be the correct way. Humming a song she closed her eyes while walking forward and before she knew it her tiny companion had already arrived to meet her at the schools gate.

"Yori-Chan!!!!" Opening her eyes she smiled as she ran towards him enveloping him in a hug not seeing the team members that were gathered behind him. "Gigi~" squishing his face she smiled and hugged him even tighter "I hope you stay this cute and tiny." "Gion, who is this?" A blonde haired male softly spoke as he leaned forwards. Finally noticing the team members behind Gion, Yori finally let go waving at them before she spotted. "Gigi.." Gion looked towards his female companion who was staring at someone other than him, following her eyes she noticed them landing on two of his upperclassman. Sekizan Takuya and Kamo Raita.

"Yori-Chan.." Gion spoke in a low whisper before sliding in front of her "Don't you dare speak what's on your mind Yori-Chan!" The girl pouted as she crossed her arms before getting an idea. "Fine I won't say what's on my mind."
Shoving Gion to the side she tackled his smaller upperclassman and enveloped him in a bone crushing hug "I'm sorry he's just too cute and adorable." Gion groaned as he got back up and ran towards his friend as he tried to pull her off of his peer.

"I think this is the closest Raita has ever gotten to being touched by a girl.." Hachioji spoke in a low voice as the rest of the team laughed awkwardly, finally prying Yori off of Raita Gion smacked her behind her head with his hand. "Ow?! Gigi don't be mean!" Quickly turning her head towards Sekizan she smiled evilly before lunging at him "THE HOT ONE WITH THE COOL HAIR IS NEXT TRY TO STOP ME GIGI!!" She clung onto Sekizan as if he was a life saver. "Whoa he's hella firm, yo dude what do you eat you're like hella tall and strong?!" A small blush crept onto Sekizans face as he looked away "Just the usual." Gently getting off of the tall giant Yori smiled and scratched the back of her neck.

"Names Yori! Nice to meet you all!" The girl had finally introduced herself to the team members, learning their names she stared at yet another guy "Gigi..." her eyes had sparkles in them as she sprinted towards the guy with the blonde hair "ANYONE BUT HIM YORI-CHA-" Sadly he was too late as she jumped onto the guy.

"My dude you got hella pretty lashes oh my goodness." "WHO IS THIS CRAZY CHICK?!" "Ebumi don't try to pry Yori-Chan off she's stronger than she looks." Sekizan spoke as he looked away in shame of not being able to pry the tiny lady off of him. Ebumi sighed as he gave up. "Yori-Chan get off!?" "NO LOOK AT HIS LASHES HES HELLA PRETTY I WANNA STAY WITH THE PRETTY BOY!!" "P-Pretty?!" A small blush formed on Ebumi's face "Yeah, what nobody ever called you pretty?" Yori slowly got off of him and scratched her neck. "Weird, you are like pretty as hell, same with the hot dude with the cool hair." She pointed towards Sekizan who flinched a small smile was spread on her face as she looked at him.

"Who's the tall blonde , Gigi?" She pointed towards the tall male next to him as she looked up at him with a small smile. "Huh? Oh you mean the tree? His name is Iwashimizu Sumiaki." "So Sumi." Gion nodded Yori was trying to jump up on Sumiaki but couldn't "He got no meat, I can't grip on anything but his boobs." Blushing madly Sumiaki covered his face while profusely apologizing to the female.

"Sumi it's okay! I don't mind I just like holding people, speaking of holding people." She looked towards Gion who was shaking his head and pointed at Raita. "Raita-Senpai~" the upperclassman turned his head as he got greeted with Yori's hug. Blushing lightly as if filled with ecstasy the female dotted on the upperclassman with all her might. "Senpai, why are you so adorable and tiny and cute~"

Gion shook his head as Raita was slowly falling asleep in her embrace, walking towards his friend he laid his hand on her head. Smiling the female played with Raita's hair and gently woke him up. "Gigi you always know how to ruin my fun, Raita-Senpai I will dote on you again the next time we meet!" Smiling Yori waved at all the team members while walking away with Gion and Sumiaki.

"You guys don't have to wait for the bus to arrive, it's getting pretty late anyways!" Gion nodded as he left his friend behind at the bus stop while Sumiaki stayed behind wondering if it really was alright to leave her alone. "Sumi!" The male looked at her as she gestured him to crouch down to her level, she gently hugged the male as she waved goodbye before pushing him in the same direction as Gion.


  ╭━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╮'Gheegle'the urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearably cute╰━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╯

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the urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearably cute

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