I heard mister sir yelling trying to draw us back I darted the opposite direction Haylee went back I didn't know what she was thinking about but I had to leave as I was running I stumbled into a forest I was really lost had no clue where I was all I knew was to run away & far away also to never turn back as I ran I fell my legs hurt real bad I stoped to hear if I could hear the shouting nothing only birds I didn't get back up I could feel it starting to rain I went into this cave near by made fire to warm up as I was minding my own busness I heard a cry not far from here I followed the cry it was a hurt dog I said "easy there boy its allright I wont hurt u" he sniffed my hand & I took of the thorns on him he followed me back we both sat underneath the ground amazed of the sounds I have not heared in awhile then I heard mister sir right by the cave walls : hey guys she excaped! Or did she I have a question who ever is reading this in the comments tell me who's your fav character thanks!