Chapter 2 - The Next Month

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Frisk's POV

It's been a month since you broke the barrier between humans and monsters, literally and metaphorically. Monsters have started to adjust to human life and humans have started getting used to monsters being a thing. You can finally go back to your normal life.

"Hey, hey Frisk." You hear someone say, "Wake up, I'm bored and you're the only one that can touch things." You try to ignore it and continue sleeping but the voice persists, "Cmooooooooooooooooooooon please. I'm gonna keep bugging you until you wake up ." The voice replies. You continue to disregard the voice in the hopes that it would leave you alone. "Mom made you pie."

You jolt awake, you see the source of the voice. It's Chara, a child with brown hair and a green and yellow striped shirt that accompanied you on your trip through the underground. You burst through the door to your room and sprint down the stairs. The crisp scent of butterscotch and cinnamon wafts into your nose as you approach the kitchen, before you reach the pie you see a note that was stuck to the fridge. 

"Dear Frisk, 

I'll be gone for while, I had to get some groceries. I left some pie for your breakfast. Have a nice day my child~

Love, Toriel"

You leave the note and start booking it to the pie once again. You finally reach the pie and try to take a bite, but its rock solid. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention that, after mom left the pie froze to the table." Chara says.

You start to head back upstairs so you can go to your bed and continue your slumber but Chara tries to stop you, "Noooooooooooooooooooo don't leave pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase I'm really bored. Can you at least turn on the TV or something." You choose to follow what Chara says because you're bored too and at this point you wouldn't be able to fall asleep again even if you tried, you're too awake to turn back now.

You move to the couch and grab the remote. You turn on the The TV and immediately get bombarded with an ad.

"Have you ever been in this situation? 'I need to take a shower, but the shampoo doesn't work on my monster fur!' If you answered yes, try our new shampoo for monsters. A product created specifically to make your fur silky smooth. Shampoo for monsters, it's the same thing we usually sell, but targeted to a different audience."

"It's only been a month and they're already trying to capitalize on monsters " Chara exclaimed, "I mean seriously this doesn't even need to exist thsey could just use dog shampoo I think". You shrug and continue to watch TV, but you suddenly realize that you missed something when you left the underground. You turn off the TV and start heading back to the kitchen. "Frisk what are you doing, why did you turn off the TV? What are you planning?" Chara said.

You open up a cabinet and take out a flower pot, you slam the cabinet, sprint out of the kitchen,  burst through the door, and book it down the street. "Hey Frisk wait for me! I don't wanna be left behind!" Chara yells at you.

That took me a bit to write, this was over twice the length of the original chapter because I write long now, see you next week for the next chapter I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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