CH~23- " MY LOVE , MY LIFE "

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Taehyung's Pov •

" Jungkook? "
I called out for him but there was no response.
Where is jungkook .. after i answered him he was so sad .
After that i did not see him . Did he went to his house ?

" Appa ! " I shouted loudly and Jin Appa came .
" What happened tae ? Are you not feeling well till now ? " Appa said checking my body temperature.
" No i am fine . Appa where is Jungkook ? "
" I don't know Tae . He was here with you right ? "

Shit . Is he angry on me and went to his house. ?

" Appa i am going to look for Jungkook . He is not picking up his phone " i said as i hurriedly put on my jacket .


" What should I wear today hmm.. i can't decide aah ! "

Jimin asked me out for a date . I must look good . This is a golden opportunity to win his heart completely.

I was thinking of which Colour shirt i should wear when someone whispered near my ear with his deep husky voice.

" What are you doing ? "

I turned around only to suddenly get hugged tightly .

" Y-yoongi ....what are you doing here ? Shouldn't you be at work ? "

" Why ....? Just why is he doing that ? " He said while hugging.

Who is he talking about ?

" Huh ? What are you saying Yoongi ? Who is doing what ? " When i asked him that he suddenly pulled away and stared at my face for a moment.

" Oh's nothing . " He said avoiding any type of eye contact with me.

Nothing ?
Hah ! Do you think you can fool me like that ? .
Ofcourse it has to be something with that Jimin !
He really is trying to steal my Yoongi even now ? I thought he is starting to develop feelings for me ? Was i wrong ? .

Should I go more into it ? I should !

My thoughts were broken when Yoongi spoke .

" I just did not feel good so i thought i should just take a day off today but....where are you going ? "

" I am ..going to a friend's house . Can you choose what i should wear Yoongi ? "

" That one . You will look so good in that ! " He said pointing towards a white shirt.

" Thanks Yoongi . I love you " i gave a quick kiss on his lips and he smiled .
" Love you too my hobi "


I was sitting in * Chicken kukuru ku * cafe waiting for kash.

" Big brother ! " I heard a familiar voice and turned around to see kash and .....

He was with a ...boy ? Who is that boy with him ?

" So big brother you said to meet today and it was so random that's why i came a bit late. I had to bring him too . " He said as he sat down on the chair infront of me and told the other boy to sit beside him .

" And may I ask who he is kash ? " I questioned raising an eyebrow.

" Brother this is my love , my life, my everything. Meet Ron ! Ron Laurier . And Ron this is my brother Jeon Jungkook. " He said smiling .

" It's nice to meet you Mr.Jeon Jungkook . I have heard about you a lot from kash . You are way more beautiful than what i imagined . I can understand why everyone in the cafe is staring at you " He said at first checking me out and then laughing at his own statement.

" MINE TO HAVE " •Taekook•Where stories live. Discover now